The songs of the kids. Song of Enrique and Ana for children

Many of the songs included in this song will sound to you. They are very popular and classic songs, and some of them were part of series of cartoons that children saw at that time. We offer you the lyrics of 'Las canciones de los peques', a song that includes other very well known songs by the child

Many of the songs included in this song will sound to you. They are very popular and classic songs, and some of them were part of series of cartoons that children saw at that time.

We offer you the lyrics of 'Las canciones de los peques', a song that includes other very well known songs by the children of that time (and now). The protagonists are the children's duo formed by Enrique del Pozo and Ana Anguita, better known as Enrique and Ana.

Lyrics of the song 'Las canciones de los peques', by Enrique and Ana, to sing with the children

All prepared because we are going to sing

And many lies we all go to invent,

Those who are tall who are backwards

And the little ones will soon grow (bis).

I would like to be so tall

Like the moon,

Oh! Oh!

Like the moon,

Like the moon,

To see the soldiers

Of Catalonia, Ay Ay! Oh,

Of Catalonia,

Of Catalonia.

Mambrú went to war, Qué What pain, what pain, what a pity!

Mambrú went to war,

I do not know when he will come. Do Do, Re, Mi, Do, Re, Fa!

I do not know when it will come.

Now that we are going slowly,

Now that we are going slowly

We are going to tell lies, Tra Tra-la-rá !,

Let's tell lies, Tra Tra-la-rá !,

Let's tell lies.

All prepared because we are going to play

With a doll that will dress blue,

In a large but very special playground

And whoever guesses will be rewarded.

The patio of my house

It is particular:

When it rains it gets wet

Like the others.


And come back to duck

That the ducklings

Do not know how to dance.

I have a doll

dressed in blue

with her little shirt

and her bodice

I take her out for a walk

I am constipated

I have her in bed

with a lot of pain.

There was Mr. Don Gato

sitting on his roof

marra miau, miau, miau,

sitting on his roof.

All prepared because we're going to laugh,

All sit down because the circus is already here,

There's a Don Pepito with a tomato on his nose

And there's a hen that will make you happy ...

Once upon a time, a circus

What a joy always the heart

Full of color,

A world of illusion,

Full of joy and emotion

The Turuleta Hen

Has laid an egg, put two, put three.

La Gallina Turuleta

Has put four, has put five, has put six.

Hello Don Pepito, hello Don José,

Did you go through his house? I passed by your house,

Did you see your grandmother ?, I saw your grandmother,

Goodbye Don Pepito, goodbye Don José ...

All prepared because the game ended

And they are sleeping Susanita and the mouse,

Turn off the balloons that the party is over

And close your eyes, as I do.

Susanita has a mouse;

a little mouse,

who eats chocolate and nougat

and balls of anise.

We go to bed

We have to rest

So that tomorrow

We can rise early

A balloon, two balloons, three balloons,

The moon is a balloon that escaped me,

A balloon, two balloons, three balloons,

The earth is the globe where I live.

All prepared because we are going to travel

To a place far away where they are already waiting for us,

All fists are out because Mazinger is leaving

And over the Alps will soon fly.

MAZINGER !! In a multicolored country

A bee was born under the sun

And it was famous in the place

For its joy and goodness.

Grandpa, tell me:

What sounds are those that I hear?

Grandpa, tell me:

Why do I go in the cloud?

Tell me why does the air smell like that?

Tell me why I am so happy?

All prepared because we are going to sing

And many lies we all go to invent, que Those who are tall who are going backwards

And the little ones will soon grow up.

Lalalalalalalalalalalalala, Lalalalalalalalalalalalala


Lalalalalalalalalalalalala, lalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalalalalala ...

Song 'songs the kids' singing with children