The technique of post-it to generate positive thinking in children

Nothing like waking up with a happy melody, a smile and a positive message. Nothing like optimism to face the day, right? Life looks different and it seems as if an air of positive charge floods everything at every step. Positive thinking, yes, can make one day change completely. Also, of course, a

Nothing like waking up with a happy melody, a smile and a positive message. Nothing like optimism to face the day, right? Life looks different and it seems as if an air of positive charge floods everything at every step. Positive thinking, yes, can make one day change completely. Also, of course, a behavior.

I will put my daughter as an example, as it is the spirit of personalized positive thinking. One day I discovered his room papered with post-it and notes full of positive messages. One day it was two notes ... then three ... And in the end, a dozen optimistic messages flooded the wall and furniture in his room. 'How curious', I thought. To this technique I have decided to baptize it as a post-it technique to generate positive thinking in children. How is the pos-it technique to generate positive thinking in children

Without a doubt, it is the simplest, direct and practical technique that you will find when it comes to insufflating large doses of self-esteem in your child. Because a motivating word or phrase in time can be stronger and more effective than many other therapies ...

The technique of post-it to generate positive thinking in children consists in pointing different post-it colors or notes and with different positive phrase markers

. Phrases that move your child to think that yes, you can do it and yes, it's worth a lot. Phrases that inspire you when taking a path or help you maintain a fixed goal. Phrases like these: - 'You can do it'- 'You are a sun'

- 'You are worth a lot'

- 'Of course you can'

Or more elaborate phrases:

- 'Success is the sum of small repeated efforts'

- 'The way to success is the attitude'

- 'Today is going to be a great day'

- 'If you can dream it, you can do it'

Once your child creates his own phrases in colorful post-it, or small pieces of paper,

you put them in your room, in a conspicuous place:

wall, desk, cupboards ... Every time you start doing homework, study ... Every time you get up, you will see your sentence, there in front . It may seem too simple, but you will not believe how effective the self-belief can be that that day is different, that that day, yes, will be fantastic. That it is day, will be able to achieve what is proposed. Life changes a lot depending on the color of the glass with which you look. Why it is important to generate positive thinking in children

Attitude is a determining factor when it comes to achieving goals in life. It is not the same to start a game thinking that you can win than to do it with fear thinking that you can lose. Undoubtedly, in the first case, you will have much more confidence and you will have that great engine brimming with energy that will help you achieve your goal: to believe in yourself and your possibilities. However, in the second case, the fear of losing will lead you to hide in a caution shield, believing that you will be more protected. But the excess protection will take you to not take risks, and therefore, not to win.Positive thinking generates a child's confidence in himself

, gives him a large dose of self-esteem and gets him to face the world with a broad smile, and the assurance that yes, he can do what he proposes.

Other ways to generate positive thinking in children There are

more methods to get our child to face life optimistically. Do you know these others?


The bottle of happiness: It consists of pointing every day in a small paper what is the best thing that happened to us during the day. Put in a jar and at the end of the month all the papers are read, which all the members of the family will have entered in the jar. It serves so that children realize the amount of positive things that happen to them during a month.-

Mindfulness: The control of breathing helps us to 'tame' negative emotions. Meditating is very good not only for adults. Children can also do it. Out with negative thoughts! -

A summary of what the day was like: You can ask your child every night, before bedtime, to summarize what he has experienced throughout the day. For every positive thought you add, you can point a star on a sheet. Throughout the week you can count the number of stars, that is, positive thoughts, you have had. Will it surpass its record the following week? Repeat! Children, you know, are very competitive (even with themselves). -

Power good humor: Laughter generates optimism. Of course, good humor, too. Subtract importance to issues that concern your child and that are not vital. Teach him to prioritize in life: the most important and the most banal. And of course, teach him to laugh at his little mistakes.