How to help children prepare exams

Sometimes children are so overwhelmed by obligations as adults, so it is not strange that they suffer from stress and that they end up having problems of school performance . School work, sports activities, languages ​​... too much for children who should take advantage of playing time. Therefore, a

Sometimes children are so overwhelmed by obligations as adults, so it is not strange that they suffer from stress and that they end up having problems of school performance. School work, sports activities, languages ​​... too much for children who should take advantage of playing time.

Therefore, as parents, we have proposed to involve ourselves more in their obligations. It is not about doing the homework for them or taking away responsibilities, but it is about helping them study with some tricks that they still do not know. We have some tips for helping children prepare for exams. Consejos 7 tips to help our children with studies

Going to school, paying attention, learning and studying is a task that we can not do for our children, but we can guide them when it comes to

preparing exams teaching them study techniques , reviewing the topics with them or motivating them to study. In any case, the involvement of parents is essential for good school performance. We can help children with exams in many ways. 1. Motivation:

For a child to prepare an exam more easily, the first thing he has to have is motivation. The reluctance makes its appearance quickly after the exhausting day and not all the matters interest him equally. We can always find a funny reason to be interested in each subject. La 2. The study technique: Adults know tricks and study techniques that the little ones still do not know. Regardless of what they learn in class, we can teach them to

make schemes , files or summaries, do them with them and check that they are understanding and assimilating all knowledge. 3. follow a routine:It is essential that children follow a daily study routine and not leave everything for the day before the exam. That is why it is advisable to prioritize the

family organization from day to day and to reserve a time of shared study with the children. 4. More self-confidence: Children and adults need to face an exam or

exam period safely. The security of having all the material prepared is as important as the self-confidence, so it is necessary to always highlight your learning achievements and remind them of what they are worth. Imp 5. Involvement of parents: The involvement of parents

in the studies of children is to be aware of the subjects taught in the school, the methodology and what each teacher requires of the students. We must always know what our children are studying and catch up. La 6. The questions: One of the tricks practiced in all families is to review the subject with children and ask them questions. It is an extra help to prepare the exam, but it is something that should be done regularly and not only at exam time.

7. Do not forget the rest: We can not forget the rest that is essential for children to go hard to the exam and also to the diet paying special attention to those foods that reinforce the memory for the days before the exams .

Laura Vélez. Editor of