
In we tell you 7 curiosities that you may not know about breastfeeding. Curiosities you do not know about breastfeeding - Lactogenesis is governed by the cascade action of certain hormones and starts a few hours after delivery, after the expulsion of the placenta. The beginning of m

In we tell you 7 curiosities that you may not know about breastfeeding.

Curiosities you do not know about breastfeeding

- Lactogenesis is governed by the cascade action of certain hormones and starts a few hours after delivery, after the expulsion of the placenta.

The beginning of milk production does not depend, unlike the maintenance of the production, of the suction of the baby , although the process is accelerated and favored if the suction occurs immediately after birth. Durante - For centuries it has been believed that breast milk was sterile, however, some years ago researchers recognized worldwide discovered thatbreast milk contains bacteria from the maternal gastrointestinal tract

. The milk ducts through which milk circulates are covered by a bacterial population forming what are known as biofilms, bacteria films adhered to each other forming a barrier. Interestingly, an imbalance in these bacteria can cause instead of thin films to become thicker films making the flow of milk more difficult, or even being able to obstruct the duct. -The calcium in breast milk comes from the mother's bones.

After delivery, there is a physiological loss of 3 to 7% of bone calcium -even if it is fed with artificial lactation- that recovers spontaneously after 6 months, regardless of maternal calcium intake. - About 40% of total calories are provided by lactose, with the beginning milk being richer in this carbohydrate.Lactose produces gases

, something that must be taken into account if the baby is changed before reaching the milk at the end. -Maternal diet does not affect the amount of fat in milk

, but it can affect the types of fat present in it. It is also rich in cholesterol, regardless of maternal intake. - The nutrients present during breastfeeding are practically absorbed by the body of the infant as a whole, so sometimes there are no waste to eliminate, hence theinfants fed with breast milk can spend days without defecating

. -Women who have a premature baby produce the so-called "preterm milk"

that suits the special needs of their newborn. For several weeks, this milk has a higher concentration of minerals, such as calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, than that of the mother who gives birth at term, in addition to a higher caloric content, which is very important for these babies to gain weight quickly. The concentration of nitrogen - and of proteins, since they are the main source of this mineral - of preterm milk is also higher, being poorer in lactose and vitamin C than that produced for a child born at term.