What children learn when they are 8 years old

Children when they are 8 years old enter a stage of development where friendship and discovery of the environment are the protagonists, for this reason 8-year-old boys and girls love it play with your friends, 'do experiments', discover things in nature, plant plants in the home garden, etc. At this

Children when they are 8 years old enter a stage of development where friendship and discovery of the environment are the protagonists, for this reason 8-year-old boys and girls love it play with your friends, 'do experiments', discover things in nature, plant plants in the home garden, etc.

At this age the 8 year olds enjoy solving problems independently without the need of the adult, their ability to concentrate is much higher than in previous ages and that is why they are able to use their own resources before seeking adult help or from a partner. At this stage they have a much more developed thinking and that is why they are able to solve problems and be more creative on their own. But this has only just begun, because what else do children learn when they are 8 years old? Cosas 9 things that children learn when they are 8 years old

1. Children with 8 years of age establish a good reading and are able to enjoy it and learn new things.

2. The writing continues to develop and each time they have better strategies which will help them to improve a lot in school. La 3. Understanding improves notably in reading and in conversations with others, they are able to apply and learn new vocabulary with which to understand texts and conversations, as well as to communicate better.

4. They are able to choose reading or other hobbies based on their interests and personal tastes. Son 5. They are able to count and understand up to a thousand, they know how to add and subtract and they are able to start with good multiplication skills. Simple problems start to be easy for them.

6. The motor stages are approaching the stage of maturity and allow some children to be able to perform traditional sports. His capacity for sport will make him more or less interested in sport in the future. A 7. At this age children enjoy sharing their knowledge and experiences with others, they like to share their point of view to learn more and more. They are able to show their emotions in response to the environment.

8. They are able to understand emotions, what they mean and use them depending on the situations they have to face at one time or another. A 9. At this age they still depend on the adult's security to be able to feel in balance and harmony with the environment, although they want to show their independence and their unique thinking capacity, at the same time

they need the adult's security to be emotionally well

and feel balanced, especially in situations where they feel anxious or stressed.

At these ages it is necessary for parents to promote group activities so that children have the opportunity to interact with other peers. It is also important to be motivated to participate in extracurricular activities according to their tastes and interests to discover their talents and thus empower them (but without saturating the agenda, as they are children and should have enough time each day to play and discover on your own).