The addiction of children to video games

It is true that video games have their advantages. And also its benefits. But when the child is not able to play anything else. When he prefers to be locked up at home with himself to go out and play with friends ... the thing changes. It is no longer a game. It is an addiction. Actually, I understa

It is true that video games have their advantages. And also its benefits. But when the child is not able to play anything else. When he prefers to be locked up at home with himself to go out and play with friends ... the thing changes. It is no longer a game. It is an addiction.

Actually, I understand. Because in the background it's easier to play with these games. Much easier and more comfortable not having to deal with the problems of life. Because yes, even though they are small, they have problems, and conflicts that they will have to learn to solve. Video games are an escape door. No discussion No friend who gets angry. Easy, very easy Discover why the addiction of children to videogames.

Advantages and disadvantages of children's video games

For any child, day-to-day is an obstacle test. And is that having friends is not so easy or is free of problems. That friend who now does not want to be your friend, or the moment when they do not let you play what you want or that instant in which you have to decide what to do and everyone else is watching you. Friendship teaches how to resolve conflicts. It helps to mature. But it is a difficult path.

When the child clings to his command, alone, with no one to argue with. With himself. Then everything becomes easy. It is an internal struggle, a personal effort to improve oneself. Nobody else to compete with. If we also add rabid colors, attractive drawings and awards for achievements ... we already have the perfect ingredients so that the child does not want to ever separate from the game.

Video games, in small doses, are not bad: improve the child's deductive capacity, exercise their reflexes, it is good for them to learn more easily the spatial conception, to overcome challenges, to decide quickly ... But when videogames become an obsession, problems arrive: the child blurs the border between reality and fiction, becomes less sociable, does not perform enough physical activity, becomes more irascible and anxious ...

The story that explains the addiction of the children to video games

It is a clear, direct and vindictive video. It claims the games of always, the contact with the nature, with the other children, with the small pleasures and also with the pitfalls of the life. Those that help grow.

In this animated short, the protagonist is a child incapable of separating from his videogames and playing anything else. The life he knows goes through a control, a joystick, and a small screen where everything moves when he wants. Therefore, when his mother decides to end all those games ...

The video of the child, addicted to video games, who can not play with the ball