The London Bridge is going to fall. Children's songs

Do you know the song London Bridge is Falling Down ? It is a popular song in English to sing and dance. In we invite you to see in this video the song in Spanish: the London Bridge is going to fall. A children's song to have fun with the hand of our beloved pet, the Bear Traposo. If

Do you know the song London Bridge is Falling Down? It is a popular song in English to sing and dance. In we invite you to see in this video the song in Spanish: the London Bridge is going to fall.

A children's song to have fun with the hand of our beloved pet, the Bear Traposo. If you want your children to have a good time and learn while playing, do not forget to give them children's songs from

Song with Traposo: The London Bridge is going to fall

The London Bridge is going to fall
it will fall, it will fall,
The London Bridge will fall,
my beautiful lady

Refuse it with sticks and stones
sticks and stones
sticks and stones
Refuse it with sticks and stones
sticks and stones
sticks and stones
my beautiful lady

Sticks and stones everything will fall
will fall, fall
Sticks and stones will all fall
my beautiful lady

Refuse it with wood and clay
wood and clay
wood and clay
Refuse it with wood and clay
wood and clay
wood and clay
my beautiful lady

The rain will bring wood and clay
wood and clay
wood and clay
The rain will carry wood and clay
wood and clay
wood and clay
my beautiful lady

Refuse it with iron and clay ro
iron and steel
iron and steel
Reinforce it with iron and steel
iron and steel
iron and steel
my beautiful lady

Iron and steel will bend
bend, bend
bend, bend
Iron and steel will bend
will bend, they will bend
they will bend, they will bend
my beautiful lady

They will never fall again
they will fall, they will fall
they will never fall again
my beautiful lady