What attitude parents should have during a family meal

Dinner has become the time of day when the family nucleus gathers around a table. There are families who enjoy that joint meal, although it is not always the case. If your son does not have a good time in front of the plate, he can "explode the bomb". In Guiainfantil.com we provide you with several

Dinner has become the time of day when the family nucleus gathers around a table. There are families who enjoy that joint meal, although it is not always the case. If your son does not have a good time in front of the plate, he can "explode the bomb".

In Guiainfantil.com we provide you with several tips regarding the attitude that you have to maintain, and that make up what psychologists call "conversational dynamics".

What attitude should we keep the parents before the meal with the children

1- At the table, the ideal is the central theme of the conversation is not the food itself. I explain. The parents of bad eaters tend to say phrases of the type: "We are always the same, you never want to prove anything, this is a torture". Therefore, we encourage you to deviate from the food the central focus. Ask your children how their day has gone, tell them curious things, tell them what you have done today at work, let them share vacation plans, etc. Something other than talking about food.

2- Do not let your mobile, tablet, TV or computer distract you. It's your moment, not the electronics one. Turn off all devices, or make a pact with yourself to not consult them during "your moment".

3- Do not be in a hurry. Let the dinner last at least 20-30 minutes. Patience bears good fruit.

4- Smile frequently. Many times, smiling is our best weapon. The pleasant atmosphere moves mountains; the stressful environment generates them.

5- Reason with your son. Tell him what specific benefits the food provides against which he shows reluctance. For example: "Try the avocado. It has good fat and antioxidant substances: thanks to them, your heart will work better. "

6- Give positive reinforcers. Parents often position themselves in a pessimistic mood, and we are wrong. It is much more rewarding to praise those moments in which the child has shown good attitude. For example, when you do not scream when you eat, when you are sitting politely, when you agree to try a dish you do not like too much, when you try a different meal, etc.

7- Neither dessert nor toys should be change coins. What would you not like to be blackmailed into at work? Well, do not do it at home. That is, do not use phrases like: "If you do not eat the fish, you run out of tarts"; "If you do not finish the broccoli, I'll take off the remote-controlled car."

8- You better negotiate. We all have our taste preferences. You, mom or dad, too. When you touch something that your child does not like, you agree to negotiate the amount of what you are going to eat, not the quality. That is, do not substitute one dish for another (that is a mechanism to generate capricious), but agree with it an intermediate amount that will please both of you. And, yes, accept the agreement.

9- Do not shout. Remember that your son looks at you. If you scream when you get nervous, he will do it too. The neutral, calm, serene attitude is much more advantageous.

10- Recognize that you are not perfect, and apologize to your children when you are wrong. Even if you try to fulfill all these recommendations, sometimes you will scream, you will be very angry with them, you will say that "it is a martyrdom to dine at their side", you will threaten to take away their favorite doll or that strawberry yogurt that you always buy them because you know that they passionate Do not worry. Nerves are treacherous, and they move you to say things that you do not feel, or that you will not fulfill. Your children will always know how to apologize.