How to best conserve vitamins in food

Many times we believe that by giving a balanced diet to our children we are providing all the vitamins and nutrients necessary for their growth. However, vitamins are very fragile and if we do not know how to cook or conserve food properly they will be lost and we will be giving our children an empt

Many times we believe that by giving a balanced diet to our children we are providing all the vitamins and nutrients necessary for their growth. However, vitamins are very fragile and if we do not know how to cook or conserve food properly they will be lost and we will be giving our children an empty food.

Light, heat and air, make many vitamins, especially C, B6, B12 and folic acid disappear from our products. At we explain what you can do to conserve vitamins in food.

Ideas for preserving vitamins in the foods we eat

1- Buy local products: The longer you spend from the time of death or from the collection the less vitamins you will have. Cons 2- Consume them quickly:

You should not keep them for a long time before consuming them and, if possible, in the refrigerator, since temperatures above 20 degrees usually destroy vitamins. 3- Buy preserves or frozen:

If you can not consume fresh, better that they are preserved. Although they are not highly recommended for the preservatives they carry, these same preservatives make the vitamins last much longer than those that have been in cold stores for a long time. Another way to preserve almost all the nutrients is to buy deep-frozen foods. 4- Use airtight and opaque containers:

They will preserve them from germs and light. A trick is to add a little olive oil to the meat to create a protective film. 5- Better raw or steamed:

Fruits and vegetables are always best eaten raw, uncut or steamed. If you boil them, put them in little water, when it has started to boil, and cover them. Use the excess water to make a broth, that's where most of the vitamins will have been left. 6- Cook as little time as possible and at low temperature:

Meat and fish best done in the oven or in papillote. Use the microwave to cook, although it seems incredible, use little temperature and times are less. The fried ones must be fast and with the oil very hot so that a crust is created around and the vitamins do not escape. Nor is it wrong to use the fast pot. 7- Do not pinch the vegetables:

These holes lose nutrients more quickly. 8- Take the juices at the moment:

Every minute counts, especially in citrus fruits. 9- Defrost slowly:

Try to do it at room temperature or in the microwave never under the water jet, it loses a lot of nutrients. 10- Only heat what they are going to eat:

Each heating causes the nutrients to disappear. 11- The fruit without cutting or peeling:

When cutting them we expose them to the air and the vitamins oxidize more quickly, in addition, the skin is where most of them are, so if you have no choice but to cut them, try Do not take the part of the flesh closest to the skin. Patricia Fernández

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