The retention of liquids in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a stage of life in which important adaptations take place in the woman's body, due to the great changes that must occur to gestate a baby. One of the most common is the retention of fluids mainly in the last months of pregnancy. It is estimated that up to 80% of pregnant women can suffe

Pregnancy is a stage of life in which important adaptations take place in the woman's body, due to the great changes that must occur to gestate a baby. One of the most common is the retention of fluids mainly in the last months of pregnancy. It is estimated that up to 80% of pregnant women can suffer from them.

Why fluid retention occurs in pregnancy

There are many causes that cause pregnant women to accumulate fluids. The hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy such as increased aldosterone secretion, modification in renin activity and increased renal sodium reabsorption are some of the reasons why it occurs.

Also the growth of the uterus compresses the vessels that take care of returning blood from the lower limbs to the heart. The increase in pressure produced by this compression is the cause of edema in the legs, feet, anus, vulva ... among others and varicose veins, typical of pregnancy, in addition to favoring the onset of thromboembolic problems to which the pregnant woman, due to the Changes that also occur in your coagulation, is so prone.

Symptoms of fluid retention in pregnancy

Edema of the lower limbs is one of the most typical manifestations of fluid retention in pregnancy. They occur mainly in feet and ankles, manifest as swelling of the area. These edemas worsen considerably when standing for a long time, at room temperature, since heat favors vasodilation, and worsens the picture.

Those women with twin pregnancies tend to have more problems with fluid retention than those who expect a single baby. In addition, the permeability of the blood vessels is modified and the composition of the plasma also favors the appearance of said retention.

This tendency to retain fluid can influence the appearance of carpal tunnel in pregnancy, a pathology that causes pain and numbness in the hands and / or wrists.

Although they are considered physiological, it is advisable to go to the emergency department if there is an exaggerated increase of the same in a short space of time or edema in the face or hands.

Julita Fernández


Oriental Dance Teacher for pregnant women.

Expert in aquatic training for pregnant women.