Sawdust, they will shake. Popular songs for children

Aserrín, aserrán is a popular song that grandmothers used to sing and is typical of San Juan night . A song to sing to babies and children. It is proven that music favors the learning of the child, for that reason the music subject is introduced at younger ages in the schools. Whether through classi

Aserrín, aserrán is a popular song that grandmothers used to sing and is typical of San Juan night. A song to sing to babies and children.

It is proven that music favors the learning of the child, for that reason the music subject is introduced at younger ages in the schools. Whether through classical music or children's songs, music brings great benefits to the child as an improvement in concentration, acquisition of social skills, emotional development, aid in the learning of mathematics and even language development.

Children's song Sawdust, they will saw

Sawdust saw the logs of San Juan

they ask for bread they do not give them

they ask for bones and they give them cheese

they ask for wine and if they give them

they get dizzy and they go away

Sawdust saw the wood of San Juan

they ask for bread they do not give them

they ask for bones and they give them cheese

they ask for wine and if they give them

they get dizzy and go away.

Video of Aserrín Aserrán. Song for children