Names for girls from cartoon movies

Many times we look at celebrities and current characters to choose the name of our baby. Other times, we are inspired by movies or television series. On this occasion, we have collected 10 names for girls among the most popular cartoon characters. If you want a nice name, with meaning and that your

Many times we look at celebrities and current characters to choose the name of our baby. Other times, we are inspired by movies or television series. On this occasion, we have collected 10 names for girls among the most popular cartoon characters.

If you want a nice name, with meaning and that your girl loves since childhood, you can get inspired by the de cartoon movies . Because your girl deserves a special name, we have the nicest names in children's drawings.10 names for cartoon girls

1. Dora.

This name is of Greek origin and means 'gift'. It has become very popular thanks to the cartoons of 'Dora the explorer' , but the truth is that it is a traditional name that maintains all its originality.2. Ariel.

The name is of Hebrew origin and its meaning is related to the strength of a 'lion'. It has the peculiarity of being a unisex name, valid for both girls and boys. And in its feminine version we know it by the protagonist of 'La sirenita' .3. Aurora.

It is a Latin name that means 'sunrise'. The protagonist of 'The Sleeping Beauty' is called like that and we like it because it is one of those traditional names that never go out of style. 4. Bella.

The name is of Hebrew origin and in principle was the diminutive of Isabella. Over time it became its own name and we have seen it in many movie stars, among them the 'Beauty and the Beast' .5. Esmeralda.

It is a name of Latin origin with a meaning of 'brightness' and also corresponds to a precious stone. The protagonist of 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' has returned to put current this name that has a long tradition. 6. Alice.

This name is of Greek origin and means 'truth'. In addition to being a familiar and traditional name, we can not avoid relating it to 'Alice in wonderland' , surrounding itself with magic and illusion.7. Wendy.

It is a name of Welsh origin with a meaning of 'that of white eyelashes'. We know it thanks to the female protagonist of 'Peter Pan' and we like it because it sounds fresh and delicate. In principle it was the diminutive of Gwendolin. 8. Elsa.

The name is of Scandinavian origin and is a variant of Isabel. We like it because it is a short name with a lot of personality and also reminds us of the protagonist of 'Frozen'.9. Anna.

Again we look at the children's film 'Frozen' for this traditional name of Hebrew origin meaning 'full of grace'. The strength of the name is clearly seen in that it never goes out of style. 10. Mulan.

The name is of Chinese origin and means 'magnolia'. The children's film 'Mulan' is the favorite of many girls who would be happy to take the name of the protagonist. Laura Vélez

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