Child care when you have the flu or a cold

Flu is not the same as a cold. Although the signs may be similar, the truth is that flu symptoms are much stronger than those of a "common cold". Internally, it is important to know that the cold is caused by a bacterium, and the flu by a viral infection. In the first case, antibiotics could be used

Flu is not the same as a cold. Although the signs may be similar, the truth is that flu symptoms are much stronger than those of a "common cold". Internally, it is important to know that the cold is caused by a bacterium, and the flu by a viral infection. In the first case, antibiotics could be used to fight the disease, but not in the flu.In both cases, if the child has become ill, it is advisable to follow several

hygienic and feeding recommendations

. What care we should give a child with the flu or cold


flu symptoms

are very significant: - Cough, runny nose and sore throat. - Fever of more than 38 degrees.

- Headache, muscles and joints.

- Diarrhea and vomiting.

- Sometimes sinusitis or ear infections caused by mucus.


should not be done

in case of flu: - Do not give antibiotics. - Do not give aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) as it can create liver failure in the child.

- The real temperature of the child is the average of 24 hours, since in the morning the temperature is lower and in the afternoon it rises.

- Do not take children to closed places and with many people.

- Try not to bring sick children to babies or the elderly. No - Do not give cold baths, neither with ice nor alcohol, as they cause tremors and worsen their condition. Better a warm bath.

- Do not force him to eat.

- Do not share glasses, cutlery, food or drinks with other children.

Hygiene and food care for a child with influenza


- Have the child at rest.

- Give antipyretics to relieve fever.- It is convenient that there is moisture in the child's room to promote nasal discharge. For this we can put a humidifier, although it is convenient to wash it every day since bacteria and mold usually accumulate in them.

- We must take the child light clothes, without covering too much so that the fever does not rise.

- To avoid dehydration we should give the child a lot of liquid that can be in the form of juices, water, chicken broth, lemonade ... Dar - Give the child foods with sugar as biscuits, bread, sweet but without fat, to digest best. Dar - Give light diet, since normally they are not usually hungry. Better soft foods and never force him to eat.

- The child should cover his mouth with a handkerchief or with the angle of the elbow every time he coughs or sneezes.

- We should accustom him to washing his hands frequently with soap and water so as not to infect others.

With these simple care we will help the child to be much better and not to infect the whole family.