Headache and fever during the flu and colds in children

Many parents confuse cold with flu because many of the symptoms are similar. However, they are totally different diseases and we must learn to differentiate them. In both, there are symptoms such as headache or fever, but both have some peculiarities that distinguish one from the other. We teach you

Many parents confuse cold with flu because many of the symptoms are similar. However, they are totally different diseases and we must learn to differentiate them. In both, there are symptoms such as headache or fever, but both have some peculiarities that distinguish one from the other.

We teach you to differentiate cold flu from its symptoms. This is how headache and fever develop during the flu and colds in children.

How headache and fever develop during the flu and colds in children

Fever and headache are very common and common symptoms in many childhood diseases. They are signs that something is not right and that our son's body is fighting a threat. But they do not always manifest with the same intensity and regularity. Depending on the headache and fever, we can distinguish a flu from a simple cold. Discover how they manifest themselves in each case.

1. Headache during a cold: In the case of colds, a persistent headache can occur, often related to mucus or nasal packing. In this case, the pains are not very intense but they are very regular. They are kept for a long time and are located mostly in the area of ​​the forehead, under the eyes and in the upper teeth or upper jaw. To eliminate the headache, it is best to try to reduce nasal inflammation.

2. Headache during the flu: Headache is a common symptom during the flu process. Headaches or migraines are more intense than in the case of the cold and are also very persistent. In fact, they can last about a week (which usually lasts approximately the flu). But in addition, this type of pain, will be accompanied by muscle aches and chills, as well as a loss of strength and fatigue or exhaustion.

Fever during a cold and flu in children

Fever is perhaps one of the symptoms that most worries parents. And although it is true that it is a natural and necessary mechanism of the body to certain viruses or germs, it is sometimes alarming. However, it is not the same in colds as during the flu. Learn to differentiate both diseases from how your child's fever is: La 1. Fever during a cold:

Many parents wonder if a fever can occur during a cold. The answer is yes. However, it is usually a much lower fever than in the case of influenza. In many cases, it is only a low-grade fever (when the fever does not reach 38 ° C). 2. Fever during the flu:

Fever during the flu process is higher than in the case of colds. Do not be scared if the thermometer approaches 40 ºC. In most cases of influenza, children have febrile episodes with very high peaks. In addition, the flu appears without warning, suddenly. In these cases, it is best that you try to keep the temperature of your room low, that you do not wrap and offer plenty of fluids, as it is during febrile processes when there is more danger of dehydration.