What is childhood cancer

Cancer is a disease that affects adults and children alike. However, childhood cancer has a 75% chance of cure, a great hope for many families whose children suffer from it. Childhood cancer refers to different types of cancer that appear in children before the age of 15. At Guiainfantil.com we help

Cancer is a disease that affects adults and children alike. However, childhood cancer has a 75% chance of cure, a great hope for many families whose children suffer from it.

Childhood cancer refers to different types of cancer that appear in children before the age of 15. At Guiainfantil.com we help you understand cancer, to know what symptoms may indicate that the child has cancer and how different types of childhood cancer are treated. A complete guide so that you have all the necessary information in this process.

Childhood cancer: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

All types of childhood cancer have a similar process: cancer cells grow uncontrollably, destroy other cells and eventually spread to other organs and tissues. These cells consume nutrients from the body, destroy organs, bones, weaken the body's defenses against diseases and consume the child's energy.

This terrible disease, however, in childhood has a survival rate of 75%, however, it is essential to be aware of the signs because early diagnosis is the key.

Cancer in childhood. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what are the causes, symptoms and treatment of childhood cancer in children. Learn about childhood cancer and how different types of cancer affect children. The most frequent cancers in children and how they act on their health.

Symptoms of childhood cancer. At least 85 percent of all childhood cancers have similar symptoms: prolonged fever and severe headaches. Symptoms of childhood cancer in children and babies.

Diagnosis and treatment for childhood cancer. Cancer in children and babies can be cured in most cases, provided it is detected early. Diagnosis and treatment for childhood cancer.

Causes and prevention of cancer in children. There are very few cancers that are genetically inherited. Only 5 percent of cancers are inherited from parents to children. A healthy lifestyle since childhood can reduce the risk of cancer.

Symptoms of leukemia. Unfortunately, leukemia is the most common cancer in children. It is a cancer that mainly affects the blood and presents numerous symptoms. Early diagnosis, as in most cancers, is important in order to fight the disease. Leukemia in children and their symptoms.

Leukemia, the most frequent cancer in children. Cancer is the second most frequent cause of infant mortality in children aged between 1 and 14 years and it seems that the incidence of this disease increases among children, hence the need for early diagnosis and effective treatment.

Myths and truths about childhood cancer. In Guiainfantil.com we help to dismantle false myths related to childhood cancer and provide a series of truths. And is that childhood cancer is not a frequent disease in children and also has a high percentage of cure.

How to explain cancer to children. We tell you how to explain cancer to children. It is important that parents talk to their child about cancer, in a clear, honest and smooth way. De 8 out of 10 children outgrow cancer. The cases of childhood cancer in Spain have stabilized and the level of survival of children with this disease has grown in recent years.

Diet for children with cancer. Food for children with cancer. The Family Association of Children with Cancer (AFANION) creates a nutrition guide for children with cancer. His psychologist, Ana Belén Bautista was interviewed by GuiaInfantil.com. She comments, among many other things, how cancer treatment affects children's nutrition, and how we can help them in this regard. Diet for children with cancer treatment.

Food for children in cancer treatment. Food is one of the most basic needs of human beings: it forms and repairs tissues, it provides energy and regulates the proper functioning of the organism and, because of the importance it has for children, it is sometimes a source of conflict in families, especially When the responsibility falls on us and we face an adverse situation. After the treatment of diseases such as cancer and others that need hospital attention, nutrition plays a fundamental role in recovery.

Skin cancer in children. How skin cancer affects children Causes and symptoms of childhood skin cancer and what are the treatments for this disease. Prevention of skin cancer in children. Melanomas on the skin are the most common form of skin cancer in children. The changes in shape or color in moles must be monitored.

How to recognize a melanoma. Skin cancer is rare in children, however no one is safe from skin cancer. The feared melanoma or skin cancer is more common in people with fair skin, especially those with blond or red hair and light eyes.

How to detect if a mole is malignant. Educational videos for the skin care of children. The moles can become malignant, the dermatology explains the ABCDE rule for the control of moles, indications that can alert of a possible skin cancer according to the appearance of the mole: Asymmetry, irregular edges, color, diameter and elevation

The importance of exercise physical in children with cancer. We tell you what are the benefits of physical exercise for children with cancer, and is that not only physical exercise can help during the oncological treatment to children but also helps them alleviate the side effects of it.

Treatment against fatigue in children with cancer. It is very common to hear teens and children with cancer say that they feel tired, fatigued, without the will or strength to do anything. We tell you, what is the most recommended treatment according to experts against fatigue in children with cancer.

Prevent cancer since childhood. Guide and educate our children to enjoy and maintain healthy eating habits and physical exercises since they are very small, is a way to protect them from cancer in the future.

Family support for children with cancer. Affection, attention and love are more than necessary medicines, mainly in the long duration and hardness that represent childhood cancer treatments. The family of a child with cancer.