Questions and answers about complementary feeding of the baby

When we start introducing complementary feeding and if we have fed our baby on demand, sometimes it becomes difficult for us to know what is normal and what is not at the time of feeding. food, to the point of stress, many times, without reason. These are the answers to the most important questions

When we start introducing complementary feeding and if we have fed our baby on demand, sometimes it becomes difficult for us to know what is normal and what is not at the time of feeding. food, to the point of stress, many times, without reason. These are the answers to the most important questions about complementary feeding of the baby.

All about the complementary feeding of the baby

Is it normal for my baby to refuse to eat?

Of course! Babies, like adults, may not be hungry and may not feel like eating. Now, let's concrete. If the baby is small, it is even more normal for him to refuse food, because he does not even know that what is in front of him is food, so he does it as a protection mechanism, how does he know that it is not dangerous or toxic? Little by little he will take confidence and start to try it. If the baby is older and is already used to eating something other than milk, he may refuse it for different reasons, he may not be well, he may be tired or he may not have an appetite at that moment. As always, we should not force the baby, whatever his motive.

How many meals can my baby skip?

In principle, what you want, since, while continuing to drink milk on demand will be perfectly fed. When he is older, we must also respect his appetite, offering food frequently but respecting whether the baby wants to try it or not.

Do I need to offer you vegetables at noon and fruits at snack?

No, you can offer what best suits you, always trying to offer new foods in the middle of the day and not in the evening / night, to be able to observe if allergic reactions appear more easily.

How many meals does my baby have to eat?

When starting complementary feeding the baby will not show much interest, but as you try different flavors and textures it is likely that each time we sit at the table try to reach our food. That's a good sign, and we should offer him food, be it his puree or something from our plate if appropriate. It is not necessary to make a number of meals a day, we just have to observe its rhythm and adapt to it.

For older babies, we should continue adapting to their rhythm, but once the milk stops being their main food, it would be convenient that every time the adults eat, the baby also sits at the table and eats, inside to mark your appetite.

How many times a day do I have to offer water?

If the baby continues to drink milk on demand, the water is not too necessary, although it is not necessary to offer it with your food, so that it gets used to it. When they are older, it is better to observe what the baby demands, but as a guideline it can be offered by getting up in the morning and by waking up from naps, in addition to meals, offering it more frequently when the temperature is high.