10 Curiosities about storms for children

How many times has your child asked about storms? Questions like these: Where do the rays come from? Why do we hear the thunder but we can not see them? Why sometimes there are storms of lightning and thunder but it does not rain? From Guiainfantil.com we try to answer all the worrying children's do

How many times has your child asked about storms? Questions like these: Where do the rays come from? Why do we hear the thunder but we can not see them? Why sometimes there are storms of lightning and thunder but it does not rain?

From Guiainfantil.com we try to answer all the worrying children's doubts about storms. Some of the questions and answers will surprise you.

Surprise yourself with these 10 curiosities about storms for children

Children's curiosity is endless. Everything surprises them. Therefore, we must be prepared. We should always be able to answer the doubts of our children, and if it is not in the moment, at least count on the adequate resources to look for information.

This you already know, but thunderstorms are produced by the shock of hot air masses with cold air masses. When it collides, electricity is generated, which takes the form of lightning, lightning and thunder. Also rain, hail, wind ... But, did you know all these curiosities about the storm ?:

1. Do you know how fast a lightning can go?... At more than 198,000 kilometers per hour! Hence, the expression "you are fast as lightning" is used so much. Por 2. Incredible as it seems, un a lightning is more likely to fall on a man than on a woman.

Boys are up to 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning! The statistics say, they try to explain it because men tend to practice more outdoor work and are more reluctant to take cover when the storm starts ... Still, do not worry, because the chances of you being struck by lightning is 1 between more than 2 million two hundred thousand. 3. But ... will it be that the rays fall from the sky? Not all! Many rays are ascending

. Yes, they go from the ground to the sky. And other rays, travel from cloud to cloud. The lightning, which is that brightness that is produced by the electric discharge of lightning, can also occur in the lower part. 4. Many children wonder: are the rays of fire? Do they burn like fire? Much more!They have much more temperature than the sun

. More than 4 times more! This is ... more than 22,000 degrees Celsius. In addition it shines as much as a million 100-watt light bulbs. Y 5. And yes, thunderstorms occur more in summer.Do you know why? Because more hot air masses are generated than when colliding with cold air masses generate electricity.

6. Never take a shower if there is a storm ... the electricity of lightning can travel through the pipes! Do not stay in the sea or in a pool either. Get out of the water!

7. And if you are in the field, do not go shelter under a tree. When it's sunny, it's an excellent shelter. In the middle of a storm, it's as if you grabbed a lightning rod.

8. In some movies we have seen the protagonists count from the moment you hear thunder until you see the lightning. You know why? It is the way to know how far the storm is. The distance is equal to the number of seconds divided by three.

9. Thunder is the expansion of the air around the ray, and they arrive later because the sound travels at a lower speed than light. But the sound can be very loud. It is estimated that it can reach 110 decibels. Remember that the maximum decibels to guarantee the health of our ears are 55.

10. The rays do not fall in the rain zone of the storm, but outside. For those many people caught them by surprise. They think that if it does not rain, lightning can not fall. Big mistake! In fact, they can fall up to 40 kilometers from the center of the storm.