How to get children to be good eaters

When it comes to offering our children a healthy and balanced diet it is easy for parents to need a push in the right direction. Let's be honest, when we talk about tastes, we do not all have the same ones, why would our children be all the same? As among the little ones in the house, there are also

When it comes to offering our children a healthy and balanced diet it is easy for parents to need a push in the right direction. Let's be honest, when we talk about tastes, we do not all have the same ones, why would our children be all the same?

As among the little ones in the house, there are also bad eaters among the adults, who would hardly serve as an example for their children, but who, when the time comes, can make a small effort to row in the appropriate direction with these little tips for get children to be good eaters.

Guidelines for making children good eaters

- If certain foods are not eaten at home, do not insist that the child eat them because they are healthy or because the pediatrician's prescription includes them on the list. Generally, foods from the same group provide very similar nutrients or, in the case of fruits and vegetables, those of the same color are usually substitutable. Children do what they see, and unless they see you eating that food, they will not show interest in doing it.

- Parents decide what food is put on the table. Hasta And that's where our function comes when it's time to feed the child. What is eaten and how it is cooked is a task for the parents, although on special occasions, such as on their birthday, the child who wants to eat or dine can be asked. As a rule, children should not make this decision, while if they are yours, when and how much. If he is not hungry at that time, he may decide not to eat, or he may decide -if it is acceptable in family norms- to leave it for later, when he is hungry. Always respectful: no obligation to eat or save for the snack or dinner, but no alternative food is made, but you continue with the routine, at the time of the snack, snack is offered and the dinner, dinner - Forget the "clean dishes".

When we grew up, and also when our parents grew up, they were other times and there were other rules, which does not mean that we have to continue applying them. If it is true, however, that the rate of obesity has increased alarmingly and finishing the plate without hunger does not help. -

Drink, always water, and only water. Juices and sugary drinks have no place in the children's diet, except for special occasions. -

The earlier you establish healthy menus , the better, if it is at 6 months, better than better! If the child gets used to seeing certain foods on his plate, he will eat them, whereas if he has never seen them, he will be more reluctant.-

Nothing to eat in front of the TV . For the child who eats badly, it can be a way to distract him and put food in his mouth, while for the child who eats well, it is a way for him to overdo what he eats. In no case is it good to eat without knowledge of what is being done.