Phrases for children about caring for nature

Caring for the environment, the importance of respect for nature, the need to not pollute the air, the land and the water that surrounds us and gives us food They are some of the most outstanding values ​​that we can instill in our children. Recycle, reuse and reduce, are the three R's of recycling

Caring for the environment, the importance of respect for nature, the need to not pollute the air, the land and the water that surrounds us and gives us food They are some of the most outstanding values ​​that we can instill in our children. Recycle, reuse and reduce, are the

three R's of recycling , which our children must know: recycle the materials that can still be used;reuse and lengthen the useful life of each thing and thus avoid excessive consumption; and reduce the garbage we generate, the consumption of water, heating, gas ... That is why invites you to reflect on you and your children, through these phrases about the importance of taking care of nature.