How to teach children to handle frustration

It is not easy being a child and less when adults spend their days making decisions that may not like the little ones, or at school when playing with peers and the rules may not be the most fair for all. There are many situations that can trigger in the small feelings of frustration that unbalance y

It is not easy being a child and less when adults spend their days making decisions that may not like the little ones, or at school when playing with peers and the rules may not be the most fair for all.

There are many situations that can trigger in the small feelings of frustration that unbalance your inner peace and make you feel an emotional discomfort often difficult to control.

What parents can do when the child feels frustration

So that the child learns to manage their negative feelings of frustration will depend on how the adults in their environment receive them ya, since it is they who will learn to handle them and why So much to grow if they are received with understanding and affection. A child to whom everything is forbidden, who is recriminated, who is not allowed to do because he does not trust his abilities will have feelings of frustration and defeat that will hardly make his self-esteem is reinforced.Frustrations

are necessary in the development of the child but always in small doses , so we must find the balance between the child having too many or none (due to overprotection). But keep in mind that if the child experiences frustrations all the time can trigger anxiety and fears with inappropriate responses and behaviors.If your child is frustrated it will be appropriate that as parents

do not get nervous le and accompany him in that process of internal discomfort, supporting him and explaining things so he understands them and sees other perspectives (always taking into account his age). But how is teaching to manage frustration for children? Tips for children to learn to manage their frustration There are many times that our children are frustrated because of parents for things that could have simply been avoided, but I do not mean to overprotect, but to avoid unnecessary discomfort

. Sometimes understanding and caring are the best strategy. Although there will also be frustrations that can not be avoided so that as parents you must contain him and teach him to learn that he has security that will help him to tolerate and trust in himself.

In order to achieve the above, you can use relaxation techniques and let the child know why he has that feelingof frustration and once he can identify it, he can channel it better and ask for help only if necessary. One question that should be asked is: 'What can you do to not get angry and follow what you are doing?' If necessary, you can do a role play so that you learn to solve the problem that afflicts you and praise it whenever you use strategies in the face of your frustration.