Children too mature for their age

Normally parents usually worry because our children are immature, children, but when the child is more mature than normal for their age? We tell you what problems can occur in children too mature for their age and how we can help them. The pace of development and maturity in children We all know tha

Normally parents usually worry because our children are immature, children, but when the child is more mature than normal for their age?

We tell you what problems can occur in children too mature for their age and how we can help them.

The pace of development and maturity in children

We all know that not all children have the same pace of development, that children who learn to speak or walk before others of their age or control before toilet training or are more prepared than to learn to read and write. And in the same way that certain immaturity is normal, being more mature is also, but there are limits (above and below) that if passed can lead to difficulties.

What do we usually understand by maturity in children? Parents or adults tend to confuse maturity in children, with intelligence. Spiky children, who use "grown-up" expressions, who release witty sentences ... But that does not mean they are mature for their age, it means they are smart, awake or alert or smarter.

Maturity implies responsibility, that they are capable of making decisions, assume the consequences of their actions, use their past experiences to apply them to their day to day. Therefore it is important to distinguish and not confuse both concepts.

We must emphasize here that regardless of maturity showing children, we must not lose sight of their age, who are children, and that no matter how mature or "savvy" that consider not mean they are older than they are, therefore they can not assume responsibilities or make important decisions about their day to day.

Very mature children for their age

When children show a certain maturity, we usually accompany them with more demands, for which they are not necessarily prepared. And ask children more than they can give frustration often results in children, stress, or anxiety, which usually manifests in behavioral problems (tantrums, answers, sleep problems ...).

a point of maturity it is a very positive trait in children, but too mature, can have an impact on children, who may feel they do not fit children their age, they care about issues beyond them, or not able to handle emotions that sometimes do not understand.

It is therefore important that if our child proves to be more mature than other children their age, help him to manage that maturity which can sometimes create difficulties in them and above all not demand more than they can deliver, and keep in mind that they are children.