Children's story Where is my voice?

Peace Day was approaching, that's why Anna had prepared a beautiful song for singing at school , but suddenly, an unexpected thing happened: Anna's voice desa completely disappeared ... This curious Tale helps explain to children that nerves can often play tricks on us, but that there is always some

Peace Day was approaching, that's why Anna had prepared a beautiful song for singing at school, but suddenly, an unexpected thing happened: Anna's voice desa completely disappeared ... This curious Tale helps explain to children that nerves can often play tricks on us, but that there is always someone to help us around.

Where is my voice? Story for children on nerves Anna was worried. Tomorrow was the day of the performance

. He had prepared himself thoroughly. He had practiced dancing until exhaustion. He had exercised and repeated the song until reaching perfection. And the

dress that her grandmother Marta had made for her hung from a hanger in her room.Everything was ready to sing about the impro improvised stage that had been raised in the school gymnasium in order to celebrate Peace Day mañana tomorrow. But something was not right.

As the hours passed the voice left Anna. Not a whisper could emit now. When he went to sleep, he asked his guardian angel to help him find his voice. This one had never failed him. Piturifus, that was the name of Anna's guardian angel, asked for help in the lightsof the night to speed up the search. He checked the school in case Anna had left her voice sitting in her desk. But he did not find it there.

They looked in the park where Anna had been playing all afternoon, but all the swings were empty. They checked Grandma Marta's house in case the voice had been forgotten in a corner when she picked up the dress. Nothing.

The voice did not appear.The alarm clock rang. Today was the big day. Piturifus was sitting at the foot of Anna's bed with his head down. I was

sad because I had not been able to find Anna's voice. When she saw him, she understood that there was no voice and she became even more nervous than she had been the day before. That's when his mother came in to say hello. Anna, with tears in her eyes, let her mom know with a mimeand some small whisper that she had no voice, that she was not going to school because she had lost her voice and

was very sad . But her mother surprised her by showing her where her voice had hidden

: "Your voice is inside you. He has never gone anywhere. What happens is that the nerves cover it and that's why you can not see it and feel it. Relax, think of beautiful things and forget your fears and worries and you will see how your voice is heard again. " That's what Anna did. He thought about how fun it is to play with his friends and as if it were magic the voice appeared.Reading comprehension exercises

If you want to know if your child has understood the message of the story, you just have to ask her these simplequestions

of reading comprehension. The reading comprehension will serve the child, not only to understand each meaning of the words, but also the one of the complete text. - what day was it that Anna had to act?

- Where would I act?

- Where did you find your voice? - Did you find it somewhere? - Where did your mother tell you she was? - Why had Anna lost her voice?