Height percentile calculator. Calculate the height of boys and girls

The height percentile calculator is used to find out if the size of the baby or child is greater, equal to or less than the average of children of the same age. Thanks to the percentile tables of the WHO (World Health Organization) , parents can check which percentile their child is in and what meas

The height percentile calculator is used to find out if the size of the baby or child is greater, equal to or less than the average of children of the same age.

Thanks to the percentile tables of the WHO (World Health Organization), parents can check which percentile their child is in and what measures they should take, according to their age and sex.

How to calculate the height percentiles of children

GuiaInfantil.comoffers a height percentile calculator for babies and children. You will only have to choose the sex of your child, their age, their height, and our calculator will show if the size of your child is appropriate to their age and sex, or if it is lower or higher than the average.

Children's Percentiles. Carving the boy and girl

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