Cow milk or vegetable milk for children, what is better?

For some years, cow's milk has been a serious competitor in dairy preparations of vegetable origin. These vegetable milks, are prepared to drink made from ingredients of vegetable origin (almonds, rice, oats, soy ...), crushed and processed generally in water, although sometimes mixed with oil, and

For some years, cow's milk has been a serious competitor in dairy preparations of vegetable origin. These vegetable milks, are prepared to drink made from ingredients of vegetable origin (almonds, rice, oats, soy ...), crushed and processed generally in water, although sometimes mixed with oil, and with different preservatives, sweeteners and / or additives depending on the ingredient of origin.

While these plant preparations may have certain benefits over milk from mammals, they may also have disadvantages, and, as parents, we do not always know which one to choose.We tell you what are the advantages and disadvantages of cow's milk and vegetable milk for children.

The good and the bad of vegetable milk for children

-They are low in saturated fats colesterol and cholesterol, except for coconut milk, whose saturated fat content is very high.-

Its carbohydrate or sugar content is high. Among the available options, rice milk is the one that contains a higher content of carbohydrates, these being slow release. They can also contain sweeteners, some of which can cause sensitivities and even intestinal irritability. It is convenient to choose, among the available options, the one that contains fewer simple sugars, since they are the least healthy.-

They have a low protein content además, in addition to that they usually have limited essential amino acids. In the case of soy milk, the protein content is higher and of relatively high biological value.-They contain very few micronutrients como, such as vitamins and minerals. In fact, if they contain vitamin D and calcium, they are added artificially, and this artificial enrichment is not always desirable.

The good and the bad of cow's milk for children-It has a lot of proteins

, calcium and vitamins D and B12, very important for growth, constituting a drinkable format and high nutrient density, easy to consume for the children.

-They contain saturated fat and cholesterol poco, unhealthy for the heart, which can be minimized if skimmed milk is consumed. However, in skimmed milk vitamin D also occurs naturally.-

Its main carbohydrate is lactose, which, unfortunately, can cause digestive problems. There is lactose-free milk, in which it is divided into glucose and galactose, simple sugars easily digestible, so it can be an alternative in cases of intolerance. Fermented milk products are also lactose free, so they are another option in these cases.Cow's milk or vegetable milk for children?

Soy milk is the most widely consumed and is the big competitor to cow's milk, since it provides energy similar to skimmed milk and similar amounts of protein, while it does not contain lactose, avoiding the possible intolerance.However, in counterpoint, it does not contain iron and also the allergy to soy is quite widespread, so it is convenient to discard it before offering soy milk as a substitute for cow's milk to our little ones.