The Yenka. Song of Enrique and Ana for children

La Yenka is a song popularized in 1979 by the children's group formed by Enrique and Ana. All the children of that generation enjoyed this song. It is undoubtedly a song full of rhythm that invites the little ones to dance and to have fun. Will you be able to learn and dance this nice choreography?

La Yenka is a song popularized in 1979 by the children's group formed by Enrique and Ana. All the children of that generation enjoyed this song. It is undoubtedly a song full of rhythm that invites the little ones to dance and to have fun.

Will you be able to learn and dance this nice choreography? Here you have the lyrics of the song, so you can learn to sing (and then dance) one of the songs with the best performance for children. You are ready?

La Yenka, a song by Enrique and Ana for children with a lot of rhythm

Come guys, come girls to dance.

Everyone comes now without thinking.

This is very easy what we do here.

This is the yenka that is danced like this:

Left, left, right, right.

Go ahead, behind, a two three.

Left, left, right, right.

Go ahead, behind, a two three.

With the legs we will mark the compass.

We will dance without rest always more.

And you do not need to understand music.

Go ahead and back and come now.

Left, left, right, right.

Go ahead, behind, a two three.

Left, left, right, right.

Go ahead, behind, a two three. Se

Here the yenka is danced.

There is that easy is the yenka.

Look how good the yenka is.

And how funny is the yenka.

Left, left, right, right.

Go ahead. behind. one two Three.

Left, left, right, right.

Go ahead. behind. one two Three.


Song of the Yenka, by Enrique and Ana, for the children