Why dogs smell their tails. Mexican legend for children

Legends bring us stories full of magic. Many, try to explain apparent mysteries of Nature or the animals that surround us. For example, this Mexican legend, explains to children why dogs smell their tails to each other to recognize each other , a gesture that seems very curious to children. Discover

Legends bring us stories full of magic. Many, try to explain apparent mysteries of Nature or the animals that surround us. For example, this Mexican legend, explains to children why dogs smell their tails to each other to recognize each other, a gesture that seems very curious to children.

Discover with the legend 'Why dogs smell their tails' the meaning of such a common gesture among dogs and respond with your child to questions of reading comprehension to find the most important message in the story. The answer to this question will surprise you!

Discover why dogs smell their tails with this Mexican legend for children

Legend has it that many, many years ago, in a small town in Mexico, local dogs felt very sad. They were very kind and behaved with great fidelity towards humans: they always accompanied them, they were by their side, they helped them in the tasks of the field ...

Dogs thus became the most loyal animals for humans. And yet, they were sad. You know why? Because even though they tried to behave better and better with humans, many of them mistreated them or simply showed them indifference or contempt.

To talk about this problem, one day, dozens of dogs met in Assembly. They considered that it was a very unfair situation and they needed to find the solution. And after much talking, they came to this conclusion: they needed the help of the god Tiáloc.

At the end of the meeting, they wrote a letter to send to this god. But they had the most important thing. Who would take care of carrying the letter? The god Tiáloc lived very, very far away ... They decided that it would have to be a dog with a very good smell to find the way. And they chose the best: a black dog, very young and muscular with an enviable nose. Que How happy was the dog to be chosen for such an important mission! However, when he was leaving, he asked about something he had not fallen into before: and where would he keep the letter? After much thinking, the oldest dog said:


The best thing is to keep it under the tail, because it is the safest place. And that's how it was done. The dog left happy for the dwelling of the god Tiáloc.

But the years passed. And more and more years. And still, to this day, the little black dog has not returned from his mission.

That's why, since he left, dogs smell their tails when they meet, to recognize if it is the messenger who returns with the letter of the god Tiáloc. Find out if your child understood the message of the legend

The story of 'Why dogs smell their tails' to recognize each other makes us think about a very important topic in the background. Has your son understood? Help him answering these reading comprehension questions with him:

- Why were the dogs in this story sad?

- What did the dogs decide to do to change that situation?

- Did the messenger return with the letter from the god Tiáloc?

- So ... why do dogs sniff each other's tail?

- Do you think that people can do something to stop dogs from being sad?