Children with fear of storms

Fear is a natural emotion that appears in the face of threat or at risk. It is a very necessary emotion in the development of the child since it fulfills a function of survival that will allow the child to act with caution and avoid a danger. Fear usually appears at very young ages. As the child goe

Fear is a natural emotion that appears in the face of threat or at risk. It is a very necessary emotion in the development of the child since it fulfills a function of survival that will allow the child to act with caution and avoid a danger.

Fear usually appears at very young ages. As the child goes through the different stages of development, their fears change. Iran will appear and disappear fears, others persist. But, why are children afraid of storms? How can we help them overcome it? When the fear of storms appears in children

There are fears of each evolutionary stage. At 3 and 4 years old, the degree of fear experienced by children usually reaches its maximum. That is, their fears become more apparent. Their imagination plays tricks on them, they fear "the monsters" that hide in the darkness and fear appears to natural phenomena such as thunder, wind, etc.


it is very common for children to be afraid of storms at these ages appearing as an automatic self-protection reaction that puts them on alert when faced with a danger. What is the role of parents in this situation?

If the child is afraid of storms, it is essential that parents avoid behaviors that enquer the problem, such as:


Ignore him when the child shows his fear. - Ridicule or scold the child for showing his fears.

- Try to get the child with 3 years to come to his senses and

take for granted that he can face his fears alone .To avoid falling into these errors, it is important that parents follow these tips:


Listen . The child must feel heard and perceive that he is taken seriously to feel supported by his fears.-

Inform you . Explain to the child clearly and concisely what the process of a storm is. Knowing what this phenomenon consists of will make you see that it is a normal process and that it can not cause you any harm.-

Distract him . When there is a storm, you can play games and activities that distract you and help you think of something else like dancing, seeing pictures, a family movie, etc.-

That you face fear gradually . Accompany him at the beginning during the storms, explaining what the phenomenon consists of, playing with him, and reducing the help so that he will face the storm little by little by himself. This process will be long and it is not worth explaining it once to leave you alone.- The positive use of the imagination.

You can use the overflowing imagination that children have at that age to use it positively. For example, tell stories where the child has powers to control the storm itself. When we should seek professional help

The child's normal reactions to storms is to be scared and

to seek the protection of the adults in their environment . The problem comes when it manifests other symptoms such as tachycardia, cold sweats, urinary incontinence, etc.When the symptoms go beyond that, it will be necessary to consult professionals to guide parents by teaching them breathing control or muscle relaxation techniques to help their children cope with the problem.