What consequences can a blow on a baby tooth have?

When children begin to discover the world for themselves, it is common for them to suffer constant falls and blows to the mouth. Most of them do not have great repercussions, however, the blows in the mouth can have complications in the long run that may not be noticeable at first. Rapid action on t

When children begin to discover the world for themselves, it is common for them to suffer constant falls and blows to the mouth. Most of them do not have great repercussions, however, the blows in the mouth can have complications in the long run that may not be noticeable at first.

Rapid action on the part of parents usually solves many possible additional complications that lead to traumas on milk teeth.

The visit to the dentist should be as soon as possible, depending on the type of trauma the child has suffered, but it should not be left more than 24 hours in most cases.

That the tooth that has suffered the blow is milk and is not the final does not mean that we should not go to the dentist, because the consequence can go far beyond the simple aesthetics.

We tell you what are the sequelae and complications that can appear in a traumatized milk tooth.

What consequences can a traumatized baby tooth have?

Apart from those that appear at first sight, such as tooth breakage, loss completely of the tooth or intrusion of the tooth inward, there may be other problems associated with traumatism that appear over time.

- Color alteration: is one of the most frequent and may appear after the trauma. The tooth can change to a more yellow, gray or even black color. This change is not totally innocuous, and it can be a type of sequel indicative of a future complication. For this reason, its control is necessary through radiography and photo. You will always have an expectant attitude if this change in coloration is not associated with infection.

- Anomalous radicular resorbations: are diagnosed in the radiographic control and are often associated with a mobility in the milk tooth. As in the previous case, no treatment will be carried out if it is not associated with infection. These reabsorption can cause your child to "lose the tooth" of milk prematurely. - Infection: is diagnosed by radiography or because we observe as a 'granite of pus' at the level of the gum of the tooth that suffered the blow.

Sometimes, this infection can lead to inflammation of the lip

. This type of complication requires the realization of some type of treatment in the milk tooth and you must know that giving antibiotic will not eliminate the infectionif it appears. The reason for this infection is because the nerve of the milk tooth has suffered a necrosis ('has died') therefore, if the milk tooth is not treated in some way the infection will be recurrent even though you have given antibiotic to your child, without forgetting that this type of infection can lead to affectations in the future permanent tooth that is in formation. For these reasons, even if it is a milk tooth, it is advisable to go to the dentist as soon as there is a trauma to one of the teeth. With this we will avoid many problems in the future.