Why there are children who need more affection than others

There are children who apparently seem to need less affection than others, but what really happens is not that they need less affection , only that they show it differently and need the Honey from other ways. With this I come to refer that there are children who perhaps like kisses more, others hugs

There are children who apparently seem to need less affection than others, but what really happens is not that they need less affection, only that they show it differently and need the Honey from other ways.

With this I come to refer that there are children who perhaps like kisses more, others hugs, others recognition, others all together. But in any case a child does not need affection because everyone needs the love of their parents to be able to grow and develop balancedly and be able to become a successful adult.

Emotional health in the development of children

If children do not get the love they need when they are small in their family nucleus, it is certain that as they grow they will have emotional lacks that will not let them develop properly.

Affection and affection are essential feelings for the human being and especially for children because if they do not have affection they become ill both physically and psychologically. In addition children who do not receive (or that parents think they do not need) the necessary affection will lead to immaturity in their development, it will cost them to relate to others in their adult life, will have social maladjustment and even in more serious cases can lead to delinquency or personality disorders.

In contrast, the child receiving affection will be a child with less stress, less anxiety and greater emotional balance. Affection is a form of love show that comes out innate between parents and children and is not worth money, or knowledge is needed ... you only need to want to do it and above all time.

The best gift for children: quality time

Sometimes in those children who seem 'less attached' to their parents (I insist that all children need love in one way or another) need (just like everyone else) the other children) a form of affection that currently parents should look for ways to give it to their busy lives: time.

Time is essential for a child to feel loved by their parents, but yes, this time will have to be of better quality than quantity. Children will need to play with their parents, hug them (or not), love each other and feel that at home they not only have their parents but also their adult figures of reference who care about their physical but also emotional well-being.
When the child begins to grow he will also need that his parents listen to him, respect him and help him to be able to make his own decisions, and for this a new time is needed.
After all this I want to conclude that it is not that your child does not need affection, simply that he needs it differently from others . Find a way to connect with your child and you will be raising an emotionally healthy child.