Tips for communicating with a child Asperger

It is not always easy to communicate with an Asperger child. We must bear in mind that children with this diagnosis make use of verbal and non-verbal communication in a different way. But, there is no need to worry, being informed and knowing what are the particularities they present when communicat

It is not always easy to communicate with an Asperger child. We must bear in mind that children with this diagnosis make use of verbal and non-verbal communication in a different way. But, there is no need to worry, being informed and knowing what are the particularities they present when communicating, we can interact with them in a successful way.

Children's Asperger's Difficulties in Communicating

Often, the Asperger child is defined as a "know-it-all" or a "pedant" because they use a vocabulary that resembles that of an adult, it is what is known as a "neat" vocabulary.

In addition, his speech is usually monotonous and tending to verbiage hasta, to the point of becoming conversations with them in a real monologue.Fail to give up the turn of the word by not taking into account that the conversation must be bidirectional and, above all, also manifest great difficulty in understanding the gestures and expressions of nonverbal communication.

Below are some of them. But, we must bear in mind that each child is a world and it is possible that not all children with a diagnosis of Asperger are observed these particularities.

How to communicate with a child Asperger

- They need to be spoken from the literal.

They do not capture the double meanings, the subtleties, the irony, the sarcasm, the insinuations or the jokes. In addition, they have difficulty understanding abstract concepts. Therefore, it is necessary to transmit clear and direct messages. - Any time is not good to talk.

Children can feel overwhelmed, uncomfortable and overwhelmed if they are pressured to communicate when they are not receptive to it. It is important to choose a good time to talk where you are calm, in a safe place and comfortable. And, on the other hand, avoid sites that are noisy, very bright or in which there are many people around. - Promote topics of conversation that are of interest to you.

Knowing what the interests of the child are and asking them about them, can be very helpful if what we want is that they feel motivated to speak and express themselves. For example, if the child likes dinosaurs it is a good idea to ask him about this topic. If you are interested in a topic, they will actively participate in the conversation as they will feel safe and motivated to do so. - Do not start conversations with questions but making a comment

. They may feel intimidated if we suddenly ask them a question they do not expect. The best thing is to start the conversation with a comment so that they feel encouraged to interact.- Use short phrases, do not talk too fast.

It is important that we use phrases that are too long but rather short sentences that contain clear and concise ideas. - Do not press the child, respect his silences.

We must leave enough time for the children to be able to process the information that we are exchanging, avoiding rushing or oversaturating them. If we observe that he does not want to talk about a topic, it is not recommended that we continue insisting him to talk about it if he is not receptive to do so. If we do not press him and accept his silences as an answer, we will make them feel comfortable and confident. And, this will favor that later they may feel motivated to resume the conversation. Children with Asperger have language difficulties that can sometimes go unnoticed or even be understood as "oddities". But, it is a fact that children with Asperger have difficulties in communicating and knowing what they are, allows us to be informed and closer to being an inclusive society by having tools to deal with individual differences.