The echo of life. I have a moral for children

Treat others as you would like them to treat you, because everything you give will be returned to you. The others will treat us as we treat them. In the end, life is nothing but the echo of our actions. This is how we act, that is how it will treat us, since all our actions have a consequence. This

Treat others as you would like them to treat you, because everything you give will be returned to you. The others will treat us as we treat them. In the end, life is nothing but the echo of our actions. This is how we act, that is how it will treat us, since all our actions have a consequence. This is the reflection we can draw from this precious story, The echo of life. An ideal story to read to children and talk to them about values.

The story of the Eco of life for children

A boy was walking with his father on the mountain. The boy fell and hit himself. Then he shouted:

- Ayyyy!

Suddenly, he heard a distant voice that repeated his cry:

- Ayyyy ... ayyyyy ... yyyyy

Something scared, he asked:

- Who is there?

And again the voice answered:

- 'Who goes there ... there ... there?

The boy, annoyed to see that they repeated what he said, shouted:

- 'Coward'

Then the voice answered:

- 'Cobardeeeee!'

The boy looked at his father with a surprised face and asked:

- Dad, what's wrong?

And his father answered smiling:

- It's nothing, look, I'm going to shout myself, to see what happens:

- I admire you!

And then the voice answered:

- 'I admire you'

The father of the child said again:

- I love you!

And the voice this time said:

- 'I love you'

The father explained to his son:

- This is the echo. Repeat everything you say. But in reality it is life. Life gives you back everything you give it. If you treat others kindly, you will receive kindness. If you insult them, you will receive insults. So you already know what you should do: if you want happiness in you, worry about making others happy. If you want there to be love, offer love.

And both, father and son, continued walking on the mountain.

Questions for reading comprehension for children:

- What happened to the child when he was walking in the mountains?

- Why did everything the child talked about replicate in the mountains?

- What is the echo?

- What have you learned from this beautiful story?