The tiger and the cow. Caribbean tale with values ​​for children

Promises are to be fulfilled . There is nothing worse than breaking them for their own benefit. And much worse to use a lie. This is in itself the main message transmitted to us by this precious tale originating from the Caribbean islands. offers you this adapted version of the orig

Promises are to be fulfilled. There is nothing worse than breaking them for their own benefit. And much worse to use a lie. This is in itself the main message transmitted to us by this precious tale originating from the Caribbean islands. offers you this adapted version of the original folk tale: 'The tiger and the cow'. The protagonists explain to us through a complex situation why we should never lie and why we should be honest in any situation. Beautiful Latin American story for children.

The tiger and the cow, a tale from the Caribbean with values ​​for children

There was a cow grazing quietly when suddenly she heard a disconsolate crying, coming from some bushes. He went to see what was happening, and he found a tiger, trapped by the trunk of a tree that had fallen on him. The poor tiger was trapped and badly wounded. The tiger was very happy to see the cow, and begged him:

- Please, help me out of here!I just can not get rid of this trunk ...

The cow felt sorry and wanted to help him, but he also thought that if he did, the tiger could then attack her. But the tiger, seeing her hesitate, said again: Por - Please, cow.

If you help me, I will not harm you. I promise. The cow was afraid, because she did not trust the tiger too much. But his good heart made him reconsider. She always wanted to be a good cow and had to act following these principles, so, risking, the cow pushed the trunk with her head and managed to free the tiger.

The tiger ran away as soon as he felt liberated. He was hurt, exhausted, and above all, hungry. And suddenly he looked at the cow licking.

He had not eaten for a week, and the cow was before his eyes a delicious delicacy. The tiger approached her and the cow, who immediately realized what he wanted, he said, overcoming the fear he felt: - Tiger! You can not eat me! You promised me! I just saved your life!

- I know - replied the tiger- But

if I do not eat you, I will die of hunger . I have no choice!- I knew I could not trust you! You are a liar! - The cow told him. And when the tiger was about to pounce on the cow, an intelligent and sweet rabbit appeared there, who, alarmed at the sight of that scene, asked:

- But what is happening here? Why are you arguing?

The cow explained to him what was happening, and told him how he saved the tiger and he promised not to harm him, and how the tiger wants to break his promise now. And the tiger, on the other hand, explained to the rabbit why he should eat the cow,

justifying the lie he had told the cow.

The rabbit, famous in the place for being able to solve very complex conflicts, he thought for a while, after having listened to the two versions, and said: - To make my verdict known, I need to check in the place of the facts how everything happened Please, can you explain to me what happened, recreate it again?

So he asked the tiger to return to the same place where the cow found him, and to the cow that would place the tree trunk on the tiger again.

In this way I could relive the scene ...

The tiger, immobilized again, said: - That's how I was when the cow arrived ...

At that moment, the rabbit turned to the cow and said:

- Flee , cow, it's your time to escape!

The cow did not think twice and ran. And the rabbit, once sure that the cow was away, helped the tiger out of there and said:


Tiger, I hope you learned the lesson

. Never use lies again for your own interests. And above all: be honest and never break a promise. The tiger, repentant, left with his head bowed, reflecting and starving. He had just learned the importance of an essential value: honesty.Reading comprehension questions for your child

Help your child understand the message of this story with these simple questions.

You can reflect with him on the importance of being honest and using the truth in life.

- What happened to the tiger? Why I cried? - What did the tiger promise to the cow if it helped him? Did he fulfill it? - Why did the tiger say he needed to eat the cow?

- What did the rabbit do to solve the problem?