Solidarity Educate the children in values ​​

What is solidarity ? When is it said that a person is supportive? How can children be educated to be supportive? Solidarity is a value that can be defined as awareness of the needs of others and the desire to contribute and collaborate for their satisfaction . It is a value that must be promoted bot

What is solidarity? When is it said that a person is supportive? How can children be educated to be supportive? Solidarity is a value that can be defined as awareness of the needs of others and the desire to contribute and collaborate for their satisfaction. It is a value that must be promoted both in the family and at school, as well as in other areas.10 tips to teach solidarity to children

Children are not born in solidarity,

solidarity is taught to children through many forms and in different situations of everyday life. Follow some tips to teach children to be supportive: 1- Solidarity should be taught and

transmitted to children above all through example . Parents must exercise solidarity among themselves, with their children, neighbors, friends and other family members. It is the exercise that most fosters the internalization of values ​​in children.2- It is necessary for parents

to teach children to put themselves in the place of the other and that can begin with themselves. As of 2 years of age, children already begin to have more awareness of the other, of behaviors such as sharing, assisting, collaborating, helping, etc. That is a good time to start. 3- Being supportive should be a rule like the other education norms.

4- Communication between parents and children is very important. Communication fosters children's confidence in the teachings and the transmission of values ​​of their parents. Es 5- It is advisable los for parents to talk to their children about what is right and wrong como, as well as what the other would like and what they could do to collaborate, help or cooperate.

6- A permissive or authoritarian education is not an ideal channel for the transmission of values. In order to promote pro-social values ​​such as solidarity, it is necessary for the child to receive a more democratic education, in a positive affective and communicative environment, that the child is free to express himself.

7- Discuss with the children some situations or events that reinforce the solidary workof some person and what she has achieved. Thus, they will be promoting this important value.

8- At school, empathy must be worked on in children, that is, the awakening of concern for others. Help the children to carry the backpack, share school supplies that have been forgotten and that worry about a companion who is sick ...

9- Solidarity is altruism that is learned and is strengthened by practice and the exercise.

10- Solidarity is encouraged by fighting selfish, comfortable, intolerant gestures, attitudes and behaviors ... in children.