How strict should be the children's meal times

Children need stability in their meal times, as well as stability in the rest of their activities, whether it is bedtime, bathing or the naps So, what happens if there is no routine or meal times for the children? We tell you how harmful it can be both physically and intellectually to our children.

Children need stability in their meal times, as well as stability in the rest of their activities, whether it is bedtime, bathing or the naps

So, what happens if there is no routine or meal times for the children? We tell you how harmful it can be both physically and intellectually to our children.

Do children's meal times have to be strict?

It is preferable to point out that, when we talk about stability, we talk about relatively flexible hours, but not so much so that the child can vary the time to go to bed from 7 to 11 at night, or the time to eat. 1 to 3:30 in the afternoon, since, thus, the only thing we do is to damage the biological rhythm of your body, or what is known as circadian rhythms.

The effects of excessive alteration of the meal schedule can be observed both physically and intellectually in our children:

- On a physical level this disorder of your metabolism, makes that, if the body does not receive food to the At the time you are used to, ask for food "between meals" -the typical snack that in the end is nothing more than unhealthy food- or go into energy saving mode, stimulating the metabolism of fat storage. In addition, the habit of eating at a certain time is an energy saving, since the stomach knows when it should produce gastric juices and is ready for digestion.

- At the mental level we are establishing routines that the child adopts naturally, without seeing something strict in it, and that can be beneficial for his adult life. However, variations of half an hour above or below your usual meal time do not trigger, at least appreciably, any negative effects.

Routines in childhood

Logically, it is not possible to maintain a routine of meal times, naps and baths 365 days a year, because there are always family celebrations, birthdays, Christmas ... that is, days when, for As much as we strive, maintaining the usual schedules becomes an impossible task at the same time unpleasant for all.

At these times it is better to put aside worries and relax, one day is a day! While these days are the exception and not the norm in the lives of our children, we are not doing any harm but rather the opposite. Enjoying special moments with the family and not keeping the baby or the child aside is as emotionally beneficial to him as it can be to maintain his daily routine.

We must look for the balance between both and enjoy with our children those moments so unique and unrepeatable, trying to return to the routine naturally and without forcing.