Treatment for Negative Defiant Disorder in children

The negat defiant defiant disorder is a very serious syndrome in children and one that needs to be treated as soon as possible. It is not only bad behavior, but a challenge to authority that is often linked to other disorders such as TDH. We tell you what are the symptoms and treatment of Negative D

The negat defiant defiant disorder is a very serious syndrome in children and one that needs to be treated as soon as possible. It is not only bad behavior, but a

challenge to authority that is often linked to other disorders such as TDH. We tell you what are the symptoms and treatment of Negative Defiant Disorder in children.

Treatment for Defiant Negative Disorder in Children The first thing to know is whether or not the child suffers from this type of disorder. To do this, we must respond positively to at least 4 of these questions. How is the diagnosis of TDN made?

1. He assiduously becomes angry and incurs in tantrums.

2. He often discusses with adults.

3. Often actively challenges adults or refuses to fulfill their



4. Usually deliberately bothers other people.5. Often accuses others of their mistakes or misbehavior.6. Frequently he is susceptible or easily bothered by others.

7. He is often angry and resentful.

8. Usually it is spiteful and vengeful.

In addition, there must be:

- A duration of

more than 6 months


- Produce interference in the person's life activities. - Not due to a psychotic picture.Other issues to consider:

Although it is possible that the defiant negativist disorder appears independently, it is rare.

The most normal thing is that it appears together with

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

(ADHD). This happens in 80% of cases, more or less, and if you do not detect it in time, you will not be able to find the solution to all your child's problems.

Fundamental keys in the treatment of defiant negativist disorderThe attitude to be taken in each case is determined bytwo main factors

: Age and intensity of the problem.

Overall, I can establish the recommendation of assessing thepsychological interventionin mild cases and the mixed one in serious cases. El 1. The pharmacological treatment of oppositional defiant disorder

When thesymptoms are dangerous, either for the child who suffers it or for their environment, it is necessary to take quick and effective measures.

It is possible to use

medicationsfrom the family of neuroleptics such as Risperidone (Risperdal), Aripiprazole (Abilify) or Paliperidone (Invega) among others.In cases of TND associated with ADHD, the use of the usual medications for ADHD may be useful. In these cases we have Methylphenidate (Rubifén, Equasym, Medikinet, Concerta and Rubicrono), lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) or Atomoxetina (Strattera). A relevant role can play Guanfacina (Intuniv)

The purpose of medicines is to reduce impulsivity to limits that therapy is possible to manage. Otherwise, it will not be possible to start the psychological intervention.2. Psychological therapy in oppositional defiant disorder.The psychological treatment of TOD is made up of different areas. He must have individual therapy for the boy but also group therapy to help him manage relationships.

Family therapy helps the group manage difficulties. Along with the therapist, they are looking for strategies to solve the conflicts that are generated.

Fundamental points to guide the TOD's prognosis

There are many aspects to consider in order to

assess the prognosis

of the defiant negativist disorder. Each of these factors is crucial and plays a specific role that is intimately related to others.

- The

severity of the disorder. - Persistence over time.

- The coexistence of others as the disorder dissocial. - The joint appearance with ADHD. - Learning disorders.

- Existence of substance / drug abuse.

- Other cases in the TND family.

- The time of diagnosis and the start of treatment.

Some practical tips to help you handle the ODD on a day-to-day basis.

- Start by getting

good quality information

on the subject. Not everything that goes on the internet is true.

- Seek help from a professional team that can help you.

- Follow the indications of the professionals and do not assume the problems without further ado. - Trust your family to ask for help when you need it. - It is important that your child knows that you love him, despite the problems you may have