Benefits of quinoa in children's diet

Quinoa is a food that is gaining more followers and is that it is natural, low calorie, very nutritious and even suitable for the diet of celiac children, since it does not contain gluten . It has been consumed for thousands of years in South America, but not long ago it began to be known throughout

Quinoa is a food that is gaining more followers and is that it is natural, low calorie, very nutritious and even suitable for the diet of celiac children, since it does not contain gluten . It has been consumed for thousands of years in South America, but not long ago it began to be known throughout the world as a "superfood". Some people believe that it is a cereal, however it is considered pseudocereal, that is, it is grown and consumed like a cereal, but it is not. It is agrain whose seeds are edible

. 7 benefits of quinoa for childrenQuinoa is usually taken as a companion, boiled or mixed with other foods. A simple cup of these seeds contains protein, fiber, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium and vitamins of group B. These are its benefits:



: it is a very rich in fiber, although it loses part of it when boiling or boiling. -Protein

: contains more protein and higher quality than most cereals. -Minerals

: it is rich in potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron, so much so that one cup has 30% of the daily minerals needed in the diet of children. -Amino Acids

: contains lysine, which favors the formation of antibodies and improves immune function. -Calcium

: contains more calcium than rice or corn, which helps the bone development of children in childhood. -Obesity

: is an ideal food for children are overweight because it is low in fat and sugar. -Versatility

: it is a food that can be taken in any food and admits innumerable variations when cooking it.