Somebody. I have values ​​for children about goodness

When the child begins to become aware of himself, who he is and what he represents in the world, it is time to strengthen in him the essential values ​​that will protect and strengthen him throughout of their life. Because without values ​​are indispensable food for the personal growth of your child

When the child begins to become aware of himself, who he is and what he represents in the world, it is time to strengthen in him the essential values ​​that will protect and strengthen him throughout of their life. Because without values ​​are indispensable food for the personal growth of your child.

We present you a precious story full of values: 'Someone'. It is a children's story that speaks of kindness, generosity and empathy los to children. Enjoy it and think about it! Someone, a tale with values ​​that will teach your child the importance of being kind

Someone was very sad because he did not know who he was.

Everyone talked about him but nobody could tell him what his name was or where he was born. One day, mid-morning, he went out to the street ready to find an answer. He began to ask the people he met on his way but everyone looked at him strangely.

It started to get dark and the moon came out coquettish, round, full of color and from the sky asked the moon:

-Can someone tell me if I'm very red ?, I have some fever ...

Someone, seeing that the moon was headed to him, enthusiastically he answered:

-Do you speak to me? "Yes, to you who answered me," the moon answered. L -Luna, today you look beautiful as always but,

so you can recover soon, I'll prepare a broth

and I'll refresh you with damp cloths -said someone grateful.

As he left, he heard the moon say to the stars: - There goes a good man!The next day the bright, yellow, shining sun dawned and asked the sun from the sky:

Can anyone tell me if my rays give the usual heat ?, Today I woke up a little cold ...

Someone, seeing the sun He had addressed him, enthusiastically answered:

-Do you speak to me? "Yes, to you who answered me," replied the sun.

-Sol, your rays heat as always but,

so you can breathe better, I'll make you a medicinal infusion

, said Someone grateful.

As he left, he heard the sun saying to the clouds:

- There goes a good man! At sunset, someone found on his way a very poor old man, shivering cold, begging in a corner.He covered him with his jacket, gave him some coins and spoke to him affectionately

and, then, some women who had witnessed everything said aloud:

-What a good person that man is!

After helping the stars and the beggar, Someone felt very satisfied. He understood that being a good person is essential in this life to feel good about oneself , that is why, from that moment on, he stopped worrying and was only happy.

3 questions of reading comprehension for your child

We help you to reflect with your child about this precious children's story. Discover if you understood what you have just read or heard. You can help him think about what he has just read with these questions:

1. Why was someone sad?2. What did someone do when the moon and the sun asked for help?

3. How did someone feel after helping the moon, the sun and the elder?