What are mollusks on the skin of children. Symptoms and treatment

There are many types of pimples or skin rashes in children. And many times they are symptoms of some kind of disease, in most cases, viral. A few simple granites can be indicative of a chicken pox, a measles or be caused by a simple sweat, (those granites that come out of the heat, especially in new

There are many types of pimples or skin rashes in children. And many times they are symptoms of some kind of disease, in most cases, viral. A few simple granites can be indicative of a chicken pox, a measles or be caused by a simple sweat, (those granites that come out of the heat, especially in newborns).

There is another type of granite known as molluscs. This skin condition, very common among children, is viral in nature, and is contagious by contact. We explain how mollusks are in the skin of children. Learn to recognize your symptoms and to apply the correct treatment.

We explain what mollusks are in the skin of children and how to recognize them. Mol Molluscs

are small granites or skin lesions that appear on the skin in some specific areas . They are caused by a virus (called poxvirus), and occur mostly in children of school age, which is when they have the most immature immune system. It affects more children with predisposition to atopic dermatitis. As they are? You will recognize this type of granite due to its appearance:- Papules (small pimples) appear reddish in the folds of the skin.

- They are bright.

- They are umbilicated (they have a small hole inside).

- They appear mostly in the hollows of the arms and behind the knees.

- If the child also has atopic dermatitis, the pimples will sting more and eczema will appear.

How molluscs are spread in children and what their treatment is

Molluscs do not appear in isolation.

There are usually several grouped in a specific area. They expand by scraping. That is, if your child has mollusks in different parts of the body, it is most likely that the first zone of granites has been rubbed or scraped and extended to another area of ​​the body. That is why it is so common to see, for example, mollusks on the chin and forehead, on the knee and in the hand ... To avoid this expansion as much as possible, it is best to keep the children's nails as short as possible so that can not scratch the affected area and extend the granites to another part of the body. Molluscs, although they are annoying, are not serious. In fact, it affects only the layer of the dermis, not the mucosa.

There are several ways to treat it, although it will always be decided by a dermatologist: - A

supplement that strengthens the immune system. -

Topical treatment of creams with chemical components that cause molluscum burn. -

Surgical procedure by curettage: using an instrument called a curette (it is like a very sharp small spoon), the dermatologist removes the mollusc granites using a cream with local anesthesia first. However, this system can leave some scar on the skin. -

Cryotherapy. Molluscs are burned by cold, thanks to liquid nitrogen. This treatment may need a review the week after the first session.-

Photodynamic therapy. Acetone is first applied to each lesion and after about 24 hours, a light source is applied for a few minutes.