Complementary feeding of the baby: new recommendations

From 4-6 months of age, neither breast milk nor artificial milk provide enough minerals and vitamins to satisfy the child's metabolic demands. That is the moment in which the so-called "complementary feeding" has to be introduced. Recently, the European Society of Digestive and Child Nutrition has p

From 4-6 months of age, neither breast milk nor artificial milk provide enough minerals and vitamins to satisfy the child's metabolic demands.

That is the moment in which the so-called "complementary feeding" has to be introduced. Recently, the European Society of Digestive and Child Nutrition has published the latest recommendations in this regard. In we expose the main novelties in this regard.

New recommendations regarding the feeding of the baby

- If complementary feeding starts before 4 months, there is an increased risk of developing obesity in the future.

- If supplementary feeding starts before 4 months, there is an increased risk of developing allergies and intolerances in the future.

- Gluten can be introduced between 4 and 12 months of life. It is advised a moderate consumption of it, avoiding the intake of large quantities.

- A moderate protein consumption aconseja is advised. If the daily caloric count of proteins is more than 15% of the daily intake, there is a risk of developing obesity. Se - Avoid excessive consumption of cow's milk. This should not be the main drink for children over 12 months. Sobre - About advises to consume

foods rich in iron , especially in children who are breast-fed. Se - It must take into account andrespect the culinary traditions of each family así, as well as their beliefs.

- Children receiving strict vegan / vegetarian diets should be closely supervised by nutritionists, dietitians and / or pediatricians.

- Prolonged use exclusively of pureed texture is discouraged.At 8-10 months, healthy infants should be able to consume foods of lumpy consistency. Therefore, families are encouraged to practice the techniques of baby lead weaning in a responsible and supervised way with their baby.