Extroverted children, advantages and disadvantages of their way of being

Being extroverted is a predominant manifestation within the personality of children some time of the evolutionary development of the children. Extroverted children are said to be restless, impulsive, easily distracted by the stimuli that surround them, it is difficult for them to listen to others ,

Being extroverted is a predominant manifestation within the personality of children some time of the evolutionary development of the children. Extroverted children are said to be restless, impulsive, easily distracted by the stimuli that surround them, it is difficult for them to listen to others, they talk all the time, they are very sociable, integrating comfortably in groups to perform leisure or sports activities They are also very curious.

All these characteristics make the extroverted children seem tireless since the energy that drives them receives them continuously from the environment with which they interact. This makes it come to be considered that this type of children have a higher than average intellectual development.

Extroverted children, how are they?

Extroverted behavior is the one that enjoys the most prestige and is sometimes considered excellent behavior. However, we must know that extroversion, like introversion, is a natural characteristic within each person.

The personality within the individual is not pure. There are different personality types. Therefore, children will not be just extroverts, or they will be just introverts. The ideal is that there is a balance between the two having a predominance of some of them without completely canceling the other and are offsetting.

Advantages of being an outgoing child

- It is difficult for children with the predominance of this personality to feel alone or get bored because their character allows them to have friends more easily.- Being extroverted makes them

less likely to suffer from psychosomatic ailments , such as stomach pains or headaches. Se - They know how to overcome the problems that are presented to them sincethey do not accept negatives

and do not stop until they get what they think they deserve. - They are considered good leaders because they like to be collaborative and equitable.

- They are children with high self-esteem

that will be positive if they know how to guide. Disadvantages of being an outgoing child - Always

want to attract attention por, so that their environment can begin to see him as "the clown" of the group and take it into account for serious issues.

- They speak a lot and very fastso they do not usually think what they say what makes them err in the way of expressing themselves towards another and it results in misunderstandings.

- At school they focus more on talking to others, which makes them become distracted at school and their performance goes down. La - Misguided high self-esteem can lead to arro being arrogant que and belittling the opinions of others and thus losing friends Tips for parents of outgoing children Adults should continuously monitor the children's behavior to know how to guide them appropriately :

- Children should be taught to

control their desires and impulsivity. Make them see that they do not always have to be the center of attention. - Teach them that their way of working in the environment has both positive and negative consequences.

- Respect their personality,

but to guide them so that their evolutionary development is adequate. Que - That there be an open communication with the teachers so that it is understood what kind of stimuli they need and facilitate their school stage