How to help children accept criticism

Helping children to accept criticism in a positive way is essential for their proper emotional development. Understanding the failures, frustrations or disappointments that can accompany a criticism and seeing them as an opportunity to reflect and change will allow them to make better decisions in t

Helping children to accept criticism in a positive way is essential for their proper emotional development. Understanding the failures, frustrations or disappointments that can accompany a criticism and seeing them as an opportunity to reflect and change will allow them to make better decisions in the future. Teach children to accept criticism in the face of failure

Error is part of life and inevitable criticism. In our eagerness to see our children happy, many parents focus on facilitating their lives so much that we avoid any kind of suffering or frustration, which is why on many occasions we avoid criticizing their behavior or work. However,

it is necessary for children to learn and understand that not everything they do or say is right or everyone likes. Because one of the causes of the low tolerance to frustration of children today and their inability to face criticism and failures is the excessive protection of parents. Those with the best of intentions praise or allow everything they do for fear of hurting their self-esteem and self-concept.

Children must learn that criticism is a part of life, just as error is.

Everyone, without exception, we make mistakes and accept them does not leave us in a bad place, on the contrary, it is a sign of emotional maturity. Teaching children to listen and accept criticism is part of the emotional education that every parent should try You have to teach to see criticism as

an opportunity we have to correct something para or to improve the way we we relate to others. Accept criticism, a question of personality and self-esteem for children The way in which we react to criticism or opinions of third parties, whether positive or negative, will depend on our way of being, our self-esteem and therefore of the confidence we have in ourselves. The more we trust in ourselves, the better we will fit the opinions of others.

Accepting criticism in a positive way is part of the repertoire of social skills that children should learn throughout their childhood to become assertive adults in the future. That is, socially skilled people, able to listen to the opinions of others without feeling assaulted by their comments. To do this, it is necessary to give children a good self-esteem that gives them enough self-confidence so that a criticism does not affect them negatively.

Timid and insecure children, with low self-esteem and poor self-concept are the ones who will have the greatest difficulty accepting criticism even if it is constructive.

Therefore it is necessary to work on them positive thinking, self-reinforcement. A strategy that gives children the opportunity to believe in themselves based on their learning to motivate themselves, to say positive things and to change their internal discourse. Change the 'I do not know how to do' with a 'I do not know how to do it yet', change the 'I know I can not' with 'and what happens if I try?', Change the 'what a bad thing I've done' for 'a very good, I've tried, next time I'm sure it will be better'.