
The habit of autonomy in children will allow them to be independent and will provide them with the necessary initiative to progress in their learning and manage satisfactorily in their relationships with others. The learning of autonomy in children The learning of autonomy depends on two factors: -

The habit of autonomy in children will allow them to be independent

and will provide them with the necessary initiative to progress in their learning and manage satisfactorily in their relationships with others. The learning of autonomy in children

The learning of autonomy depends on two factors:


The maturing rhythm of the child , since not all children develop in the same way or at the same time.-

The education received from their parents . This being the most important factor and a component that can be controlled.It is important that children independently do the greatest number of activities that they can do alone and do not entail danger. These tasks are encompassed in habits of autonomy that are fundamental in their education:


Dressing . The child must learn to dress and undress himself, choose what to wear, take care of his belongings, etc.- Social life.

With regard to social relations there are small tasks that the child can perform in the search for independence. Habits such as knowing how to wait your turn, ask for things please, know how to listen, say hello to acquaintances, etc. -

Hygiene . From a very young age, they learn to control sphincters. It is when the diaper leaves the key moment where the child looks independent. All the activities related to personal hygiene are important, from brushing teeth, washing hands, etc.-

Eat . Knowing how to use cutlery, eating alone, respecting the rules set at the table, are activities that the child must learn and perform independently as they progress in their development.Tips for promoting autonomy in children

Getting the child to be autonomous is a process in which parents should be a support and a guide. And in which children must feel safe to learn to make decisions. To facilitate this process we leave you some tips:


Avoid accelerating the pace in the development of autonomy wanting to do everything "he alone" as soon as possible. It is counterproductive to require the child to do things without having reached the appropriate degree of maturity to perform the tasks that are asked. - Avoid doing everything for them

. At the other extreme we can find overprotective parents who do not let the children try to do tasks for which they are already prepared. They do not give them room to make mistakes or learn from their own mistakes. In conclusion, the child's need for independence must be accepted, accepting that the child has grown and giving it its own space.-

Be communicative . Talking with children from respect and empathy is essential to teach them to be autonomous. Thanks to this, the child will have the necessary trust with the adult to manifest his desire to do things for himself using both verbal and gestural language.-

Give security to the child through the establishment of limits and norms . If the child coexists with clear and logical limits it will give him the necessary security to act by himself.-

Support your achievements . Children must feel the support and interest of the adults in their environment as they evolve their abilities and are successfully performing tasks independently.-

Value your effort . When the child makes mistakes and does not advance the adults must teach the children to tolerate their frustration and teach them that through effort and failures you learn better.- Offer scenarios where you can practice.

Go giving simple tasks of daily life that the child can do just remembering the steps you have to do and go decreasing this help as the child does not need it.