The reason for the children. Why animals

All children begin to ask a multitude of questions when they reach 3 or 4 years of age . This coincides with their entry into the school, and that is that the stimulation they receive from the teachers makes their curiosity considerably increase. Sometimes, the questions that children generate can e

All children begin to ask a multitude of questions when they reach 3 or 4 years of age. This coincides with their entry into the school, and that is that the stimulation they receive from the teachers makes their curiosity considerably increase.

Sometimes, the questions that children generate can embarrass parents, and it is that if you do not know the subject well, it is very difficult to give them a correct answer.

That's why, in Guiainfantil we suggest you a series of "why" related to animals de, in this way you will know what to respond to your children when they get curious. The whys of animals for childrenHere you will find answers to the most common questions of children about animals. Read carefully and show yourself as a great expert in front of your child.

1. Why do cats always fall on their feet?

It is very common for cats to climb and walk through high altitude sites where a fall could cause them

serious injuries

. That characteristic made them develop a kind of sensor in the central nervous system to perceive the changes of orientation of the body. If in some carelessness or in a failed attempt to hunt a bird, the cat falls into the void, we can see how the body turns to land with its legs and not suffer any damage. 2. Why do animals not speak like humans?For a living being to speak, it is essential to have a perfectly developed brain

and to have the necessary means, that is, a larynx and the vocal cords adapted to be able to articulate sounds. Man has the necessary means, but this does not mean that the rest of animals can not communicate with each other. Barking, singing, fluttering or changing the color of some animals are forms of communication.

3. Why do some animals sleep on their feet? Some types of birds sleep standing on a branch. They inflate their plumage and guard their heads between the feathers. This they do thanks to an anatomical mechanism that extends to the claws

, giving them a strength enough to hold the balance. Some mammals like horses also have the ability to sleep on their feet. They do this by releasing the weight of one of the hind legs supporting only the front of the helmet.

4. Why can not penguins fly? The penguins areexcellent swimmers

, but they lost the ability to fly thousands of years ago. As they spend much of their time submerged in order to fish, they stopped developing the capacity of the flight and their wings were adapted for swimming. By losing the ability to fly they became easy prey for predators, as their slowness on land contrasts greatly with the speed they reach underwater.

5. Why is not a koala a bear? The koala is popularly known as'koala bear'

but in reality it is a marsupial. Its appearance is similar to that of a bear and bears a great resemblance to the South American sloth, since its movements are very slow and it spends most of the time uploaded to the trees. The koala is a peaceful animal and instead of attacking as a bear would, it prefers to drive away the enemies emitting a shrill scream.

6. Why did the dinosaurs disappear? Although there are several theories in this regard, the most accepted by scientists to explain the disappearance of dinosaurs is the impact of a large meteorite

in the Yucatan peninsula 65 million years ago. This meteorite caused the entire planet to remain in the darkness covered by an immense layer of dust that covered the sun, which caused most of the living beings to become extinct.