Table norms for children ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobiological disorder that originates in childhood and involves a pattern of attention deficit, hyperactivity and / or impulsivity. In addition, it is often associated with other types of disorders. Children suffering from ADHD have difficulty control

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobiological disorder that originates in childhood and involves a pattern of attention deficit, hyperactivity and / or impulsivity. In addition, it is often associated with other types of disorders.

Children suffering from ADHD have difficulty controlling and managing their attitude at the table in any of the meals of the day. For that reason, in we give you a series of norms in the table for children ADHD, they are guidelines to achieve that they acquire good manners.How children are ADHD

The symptoms of ADHD are independent of each other. That is, not all children with the disorder have the same symptoms or manifest them with the same intensity. So we can find a diagnosis of ADHD where:


The lack of attention predominates. The prevailing behavior is the attention deficit. It is more frequent among girls. -

Hyperactivity / impulsivity predominates . The prevalent behavior is hyperactivity and / or impulsivity.-

Combination of attention deficit and hyperactivity / impulsivity . The three nuclear symptoms are presented: attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity)ADHD children when sitting at the table

No matter what symptoms the child shows, we can find that, for example: El - The child who suffers Attention deficit is usually distracted and

you forget that you are at the table to eat. En - While the child with symptoms of hyperactivity will find it difficult to sit still

in front of the plate. Whatever symptoms the children present and their diagnosis, these behaviors at the table will be difficult to avoid but they can follow some recommendations to help to focus the children in these situations.

Guidelines on the table for children ADHD No one is born knowing how to be a father or mother. It is something that is learned on the fly from the trial and error. This implies a lot of time, dedication and patience that multiplies in the case that the child suffers from ADHD. Parents must learn and carry out strategies that help children regulate and control themselves. To do this they must focus on: - Control the environment based on habits, routines, schedules, schedules and rules that give security to the child.

- The use of posters, photos, drawings and all kinds of elements that make explicit and clear the information that reaches the child.

- Teach children to think aloud, follow self-instructions, etc. This dedication makes parents the most important factor in reducing the impact of this disorder.

Tips for when ADHD children sit at the table

- Be an example.

A good measure to improve the behavior of the child with ADHD at the table is to be an example for the children. If you want them to eat a variety and quantity suitable for their development, you have to prove it and do it. The child with ADHD can not be required to eat foods that parents do not eat or have behaviors around the table that adults do not comply with.

- Eat as a family.

It can be a great motivation for the child. It also strengthens your family bond and shows that you are not required to do anything that is not required of another member of your family.

- A moment of relaxation. It is advisable not to be scolding him or asking him to be quiet constantly. The more nervous you are, the harder it will be to focus on the food.

- Create eating habits. If possible, make 5 meals a day and respect the schedules and rules around the table. Their diet must be varied and provide the appropriate nutrients for their development.

- Strengthen progress. Self-esteem in children with ADHD is very important, especially in those who suffer from attention deficit. Even if the child makes a minimal advance, if today he has managed to sit longer or has eaten something else, it must be seen as an achievement.

- Patience and perseverance.

You have to be patient with these children. Do not forget that they suffer a disorder that makes them act in that way. A hyperactive child will not be able to sit still during the meal. A child with attention deficit is distracted by anything. But, not for that reason, we must stop being firm and constant in the strategies around the table. The child with ADHD must be clear that there are established standards that must be met and that do not change every day as appropriate.