How to know if it is menstruation or bleeding because of the implantation of pregnancy

When we think of a pregnancy, any type of bleeding can cause us to be alarmed and make us think that something is not right. Although sometimes that bleeding does not have to be negative as in the case of bleeding from implantation. Even, sometimes it can be confused with the rule, in Guiainfantil.c

When we think of a pregnancy, any type of bleeding can cause us to be alarmed and make us think that something is not right. Although sometimes that bleeding does not have to be negative as in the case of bleeding from implantation.

Even, sometimes it can be confused with the rule, in we explain how to differentiate the menstruation of a bleeding by implantation during pregnancy.

How much and why bleeding occurs by implantation

Implantation bleeding is a slight bleeding that occurs a few days before menstruation and can be confused with it, although in reality it is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy.

When a sperm reaches and fertilizes an egg, it begins a journey to the uterus where it attaches to the wall of the endometrium, the tissues that line the uterus or womb.

In this process, some capillary vessels can break, giving rise to what is known as implantation bleeding.

Once nested in the uterus, the embryo is formed, which will have the necessary nutrients and oxygen to be able to develop. These nutrients will be obtained through the blood of the mother and for this it is necessary to adhere to the walls of the endometrium.

Symptoms of bleeding due to pregnancy implantation

Implantation bleeding is a slight vaginal bleeding that occurs a few days after the implantation has taken place. Taking into account the period of ovulation, it is estimated that the bleeding by implantation would take place just before the rule comes so it is easy to confuse it with menstruation and not identify it as a pregnancy symptom.

This bleeding does not occur in all pregnancies. Experts estimate that it occurs in about one in three pregnant women. In the case of occurring it can last from several hours to several days with small intermittent stains.

Differences between menstruation and bleeding by implantation

Implantation bleeding is very light, intermittent and pink, brown or red but much less intense than bleeding from menstruation. We can appreciate it when cleaning us after going to the bathroom or in our underwear.

Does not require medical treatment or specific measures to be taken into account.

Along with bleeding due to implantation, it is also common to present these other early symptoms of pregnancy such as: mood swings, menstrual cramps, headaches or nausea.