Benefits of playing outdoors with children

Society is changing and it is up to us to take advantage of those things that benefit us and stop the possible consequences of negative changes . It is a fact that children tend to stay at home in their leisure time and that more and more prefer to have fun with the console or the computer before go

Society is changing and it is up to us to take advantage of those things that benefit us and stop the possible consequences of negative changes. It is a fact that children tend to stay at home in their leisure time and that more and more prefer to have fun with the console or the computer before going out.

The dangers of safety they can face on the street are not an excuse to keep children locked up at home watching television. We want to recover children's games on the street because they bring many benefits to both the little ones and the elderly.

Advantages of children playing outdoors

Children and babies should be in contact with the street and also with nature so they can learn to interact with the environment around them since they are very young. In this adventure of playing outdoors you do not have to be alone, but it is much better to share family games. Because the benefits of playing outdoors are many.

- Exercise. Playing outdoors prevents childhood obesity, an increasingly common disease in this sedentary society that we are creating for our children. Turn off the TV, get off the couch and go out to the street to skate or play the ball, for example, are activities recommended for the whole family.

- Creativity. Undoubtedly, outdoor games boost the energy of children, but also their creativity. The surprise factor is decisive in the games that take place on the street because you can not control the whole environment. This favors the imagination and the development of creativity in children, who have to sharpen their ingenuity much more than in home games.

- Autonomy. In addition to being more creative, children who play outdoors are more autonomous and independent. This can cause more than one doubt to the super super protective parents , it is one of the fundamental tools with which the children will know how to face the problems and find the solutions by themselves.- Social relations.

Many times we have talked about the need to favor social relationships between children. Lonely and timid children can find a good stimulus to develop their social skills in these outdoor games if we present it as a routine. - Family union.

In addition to the benefits for children, playing outdoors is one of the best ways of family togetherness. Unforgettable moments shared by the whole family where we dedicate to our children the best we can dedicate to them which is time and quality care .Laura Vélez.

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