The chicks. Song to play with the baby

Playing with the baby from an early age has multiple benefits, in addition to having fun, stimulates your senses, captures your attention, discovers body parts and produces empathy with it, as well as improving your visual language and put the seed for the future development of verbal language. Simp

Playing with the baby from an early age has multiple benefits, in addition to having fun, stimulates your senses, captures your attention, discovers body parts and produces empathy with it, as well as improving your visual language and put the seed for the future development of verbal language.

Simple songs are a good way for parents to interact with the baby, which is not always easy. With the song of The Chicks, you should move your hands with your fingers open to the rhythm of the song, with the intention that your baby follows you and imitates the movements.

The chicks. Song to play with the baby

Five chicks

has my aunt;

one jumps,

another pities

and another sings

the symphony.