Benefits of eating with hands for the baby

Recent studies have verified that eating with hands from an early age has many benefits for the health of your baby. Sometimes the passage of breast milk or bottle to spoon is a little traumatic, both for children and mothers, who watch with horror as their children spit food while they chase them w

Recent studies have verified that eating with hands from an early age has many benefits for the health of your baby. Sometimes the passage of breast milk or bottle to spoon is a little traumatic, both for children and mothers, who watch with horror as their children spit food while they chase them with the spoon at every movement of their little head

Babies find it hard to put something metallic and cold into their mouths, like a spoon, while handling their hands and putting things in their mouths is very natural. So, why not let the child start eating with his own hands? In we tell you what the benefits are. Why should we let children eat with their hands

This is fun for them and helps them discover new flavors and textures. They will be the ones who are curious about trying food and it will not be an obligation.

1- Improve your fine motor skills, using your hands as a small clip and trying to hit the mouth.


- Develop hand-eye coordination. Se 3- He will have more fun and, therefore, he will feel propens more prone to try new foods,besides feeling the satisfaction of self-feeding, developing his autonomy and self-confidence.

This type of feeding is highly recommended whenever it is from 9 months of age , at which time the child begins to sit alone without falling, has lost the reflection of spitting with the tongue what is in the mouth and begins to feel interest in food.

Rules and advice when the child eats with his hands 1-It does not matter if he smears the

food. Clothes go to the washing machine and there is no stain that can not be removed with a washcloth.

2.- That the food is soft enough to be able to be chewed with the gums. Vegetables and fruits cooked or very soft; and the meat better chopped and very made.

3- Never give small pieces , but very small to avoid choking. Never sausages cut into pieces, have the width of a child's larynx and produce severe choking, or cherry tomatoes, grapes or hard cheese.

4- Always watch himwhile eating so that no more than two pieces are put in his mouth.

5- Do not give sweets, cookies or chips . Now you will start to eat a little less, so try to ensure that the calories are not empty, but give a great nutritional contribution.

Learn to enjoy with him, this will be a fun experience that you can learn a lot together.