Symptoms of pregnancy. Signs that indicate you are pregnant

How to know if you are pregnant? Surely more than once you've asked yourself this question, when you're still not sure if it's a rule delay or you've become pregnant. Pregnancy symptoms vary from one woman to another and do not all present at the same time. Some women do not notice anything differen

How to know if you are pregnant? Surely more than once you've asked yourself this question, when you're still not sure if it's a rule delay or you've become pregnant. Pregnancy symptoms vary from one woman to another and do not all present at the same time. Some women do not notice anything different or no noticeable change.

However, although they do not feel discomfort, dizziness or nausea, there is something that makes us think of an accurate possibility of pregnancy. The most reliable test is the pregnancy test, which with a simple urine sample, can determine in just 3 minutes if there is a hormone in your urine called chorionic gonadotropin that ensures pregnancy.

Do you notice the symptoms of your pregnancy? No - However, before running to the pharmacy for your pregnancy test, self-assess to see if you have at least one of these symptoms, which indicate a recent pregnancy. The first sign that constitutes the most evident symptom of pregnancy is amenorrhea or absence of the rule.

A delay of one week, you are regular or more, if you are irregular in your menstrual cycles, it makes all the alarms jump.- Breast engorgement is the next symptom you may suspect you are pregnant with. And is that the hormone chorionic gonadotropin is also responsible for secreting estrogen and progesterone to maintain pregnancy that influence the state of the breasts, producing breast engorgement with

sensations of swelling, pain and hypersensitivity .- The third group of symptoms characteristic of a possible pregnancy are related to the

upset stomach empieza that begins to produce hormonal changes. Abdominal pains, similar to those that occur during menstruation, constipation, desire or abhorrence of food and smells, due to changes in taste is a reality, and the nausea and vomiting of the first trimester of pregnancy are a reality for many future moms. - All these discomforts and rare sensations are due to the hormones, which produce hypersensitivity in the senses and thus some smells will be perceived pleasant and others strangely unpleasant. The food that you liked before will now make you nauseous and you will feel a special predilection for some foods that you did not taste before

. Nausea and vomiting in the morning, in some cases can occur throughout the day, something similar happens. As a solution, it is recommended to make 5 small meals a day so as not to fill the stomach. - But, if something, that accompanies the beginning of pregnancy is sleep, fatigue and the urge to get into bed. It is normal to feel the need to sleep and great fatigue due to the amount of hormones that the body is generating.This exhaustion may be linked in turn to a feeling of dizziness or vertigo produc, produced by certain drops in blood sugar. Carrying some cookies or candy can be the solution to avoid fainting. And to not forget anything, we also have to talk about the desire to urinate that occurs during the first three months due to the growth of the uterus and the pressure it exerts on the bladder.

Marisol Nuevo.