10 Ideas to prevent foot odor in children

When the child's feet sweat provides an environment conducive to the multiplication of bacteria that love dark and damp places. These bacteria are the cause of the bad smell, and can cause infections in the feet if they do not fight. In addition, the bad smell can be aggravated due also to metabolic

When the child's feet sweat provides an environment conducive to the multiplication of bacteria that love dark and damp places.

These bacteria are the cause of the bad smell, and can cause infections in the feet if they do not fight. In addition, the bad smell can be aggravated due also to metabolic disorders or the consumption of certain foods or medications. To avoid this, we tell you what remedies you can put into practice to prevent the bad smell of feet in children. How to prevent the bad smell of feet in children

To prevent the appearance of the bad smell of feet in children can help us these ten tips to prevent this ailment:

1- Have a good hygiene, washing and drying properly Small feet to avoid moisture and fungi. Using antibacterial gels to wash the child's feet at night before bedtime can help prevent foot odor.

2- Avoid shoes made of synthetic materials or plastic because they do not allow the feet to breathe. Es 3- It is advisable to use

leather shoes

that allow the correct transpiration of the feet avoiding sweating. 4- Keep children's toenails short and clean to avoid dirt accumulation. 5- Use

cotton socks

to favor the transpiration of the feet avoiding synthetic fabrics. 6- If the child practices a lot of sports or sweats a lot, it is advisable to change socks throughout the day so that the feet are not wet from the generated sweat. 7- It is convenient

not to use the same shoes every day favo to encourage them to transpire.

8- It is advisable to put the shoes in the sun whenever possible. And if the shoes can be put in the washing machine or the shoe insoles should be done as it is the most effective way to kill bacteria. 9- Use hypoallergenic insoles

and deodorants in children's shoes.

10- We have to make sure that your shoes do not squeeze. The more closed the shoes are, the more your feet will sweat.